I’m not sure if this season is summer or still winter. It is crazy down here. When we officially claim the coming of summer and say “Goodbye” to winter, we find winter excusing itself back into the game again. So it is kind of confusing if you know what I mean.
Well, who can tell the weather to follow our calendar? No one but God! So, I leave that to the One who knows what He is doing with the weather while I go back to my reason I sat down here now to write this. Continue reading It is Okay not to Do It as Everybody→
If we avoid to be spiritually challenged in every area of our lives, we forgo the opportunity for us to go to the top of the mountain.
If we only look for those who bless us, give us all those encouraging and uplifting comments, messages and Bible verses, we will be spiritually “malnutrition”. If we are spiritually “malnutrition”, we lose any strength to finish our journey “on the water”. We won’t have any motivation to keep on keeping on. Continue reading On the Top of the Mountain→
Question: I first came across your page a couple months ago and I pressed “Like” before I read anything. I read some of your articles and I hated each one of them. So, I “unliked” it after I read one of your articles about porn and sexual purity. I was very upset. I took that article personally. It felt like you were watching my life and writing to address that. So I was very mad at you and at all your writings. The funny thing was this: I struggled with myself never to check your page but I got this pull to check it literally every day. Continue reading Another Intriguing Question→
Question: My husband and I had conflict we couldn’t find a solution for. So we looked for Christian counselors and went to one of their offices in our area. We didn’t want to tell our church ministers because everybody thought that we had a perfect marriage; so we felt embarrassed to tell them of our struggles. And my husband felt really uncomfortable telling anyone about any of our stories. He said, “They will tell everybody”. Continue reading Question and Answer→
What matters the most in life is not what we do but why we do it.
We humans, created by the image of God, don’t just latch on porn videos for no reason. None of us get addicted to porn because we happened to run into porn by accident. No, we don’t. Some people were exposed to porn but they walked away from it as if they’ve never been exposed to it.
Then why do some people find themselves in it for life?
When it comes to waiting on God, it seems unfair for how long God wants us to wait. It is not like we don’t pray enough or anything. We do pray but it feels like our prayers don’t make it to God passing through the ceiling.
Personally, I sometimes feel like God is waiting on me, not me waiting on Him. I think He waits for me until I get my acts together, knowing how to wait and receive from Him.
When we wait on God, I believe it is not the length of time we wait on God that matters the most but in what kind of condition we choose to wait on Him. Continue reading Waiting on God→
If you live in America, please don’t miss a one-night theatrical event, “Irreplaceable”, which will be in theaters across the country on May 6. It’s going to be only for one night. You can buy your tickets online. It takes like two minutes. Continue reading The “Irreplaceable” Movie→
He was not going to church as often as he used to. He had good fellowship with some Christian friends but he kind of caught up with busy life and felt estranged from them and the things of God.
Then little by little, his prayer-time turned from one hour to five minutes. He knows that he is a good looking guy who attracts any woman in his vicinity. At times he blamed his look for finding himself in bed with a number of women he didn’t even know their full names. He swore to God and himself never to have sex with a woman before marriage but he didn’t seem to be able to stick it out. Continue reading Disguised Fire→
I was writing one beautiful story to share with you all tomorrow, if it is God’s will.
Then something caught my attention for me to stop what I was writing and started writing this.
So, all our kids went to bed while Berhan and I stayed in the kitchen, catching up with our emails and everything else. Then our little one came down and said, “Mom, I’m still waiting for you to pray for me.” Continue reading The Heart of a Child→
If we have been broken into smaller pieces and been put back again by the mercy and grace of God, we know how to speak hope in the life of those who just got broken into pieces. But if we have no experience of being broken, we tend to pick up a stone to break those who didn’t make it through without being broken.
So, sometimes, it is wise to pray to God, “LORD Jesus, please break me so that I know how to carry those who are broken.” Continue reading He came to Us→