Both Old and New Testament Say Sex outside Marriage Brings death

When we read Deuteronomy chapter 22, we read commands what to do with the unmarried couple who had sex before marriage.

Simply put, it says, take them out and stone them to death.

If we say the Bible is the Word of God, Beloved, we have to believe that Deuteronomy is also the Word of God. And the Word of God doesn’t change. No one can change it. It remains forever. Continue reading Both Old and New Testament Say Sex outside Marriage Brings death

That is all!

A4P Guest: I like what you write and I appreciate what you’re trying to do but there is one thing that concerns me a bit. You give so much emphasis on sex before marriage on some of your articles.

You said that sex before marriage is something sinful; or as you said on one of your articles “sex before marriage is fire that destroys our future blessings and brings curse to our lives”. Continue reading That is all!

Hooray! Mother’s Day!

It’s been almost five years now since my kids started to bring me breakfast on my bed on Mother’s Day morning. I’m an early bird and it is hard to find me on my bed in the morning. So, they have to work hard with their dad to make it all happen. Duh! They can’t surprise me in the morning.

So, one year, I think last year, I got up from my sleep and left the room without making any noise. Well, apparently, my hubby was told to keep me in the bed. Continue reading Hooray! Mother’s Day!

Another movie to celebrate about!

A4P is not a movie advertising “billboard”, lol, but if the movie directors are genuine Christians who want to communicate the truth about family and marriage between one man and one woman, the movie will be for my house to watch and for me to tell others to watch via A4P and anything way so that these amazing movie directors will receive enough support from us to do it again.

Well, I heard about this movie for quite some time now but I didn’t hear anything about it from the Christian leaders whom I hold with high esteem. None of them say a word about it. So, I was not sure about it. Continue reading Another movie to celebrate about!

Irreplaceable movie coming back again!

I have a very exhilarating news!

The documentary movie the “Irreplaceable”, is going to be on theaters again Thursday, May 15. The challenge for all of us is to invite others, to buy ticket for those who may be reluctant to spend money on documentary movie and making this news viral so that people will hear about and watch this life-changing movie!

Please, let’s do our part and God will take care of the rest.




Do you have a prayer request?

A wonderful and gorgeous morning! Praise God!

As a family, five of us sat down around the table this morning for our breakfast and started a discussion and, as you can imagine, our discussion was about the Irreplaceable documentary movie we watched yesterday. We asked each other which scene had made our eyes teary. It is amazing how this movie touched us in a very unique way and as we are different, different scenes had made us wipe our eyes. I guess it might be women’s thing because my daughter and I found a similar scene which made us wipe our tears. Continue reading Do you have a prayer request?

God Desires None Should Perish

“LORD Jesus,” at last, those two words escaped her mouth. Her tears streamed down her cheeks, making their ways down to her neck and making their destiny into her bras.

Driving 70 miles per hour, on the highway of 55 miles per hour speed limit, she looked as though she was driving in to eternity. It was around 8pm and nobody could see her face through the night light. Not that she cared about anybody seeing her face but she was scared of seeing her face through the car mirror.

Gasping for air and continuing what she began to say five minutes ago, she said, “LORD, can You rescue me one last time?” Continue reading God Desires None Should Perish

The Movie “Irreplaceable” tonight


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you live in America, don’t forget! The movie “Irreplaceable” will be in theaters across America just for tonight, May 6th.

Don’t miss it! Get your ticket now and if you happen to be in our city, Bowie, MD, we sure will see you. Make sure you bring your little ones as well, even those two years old “little baby bears”. Don’t say that they don’t understand. They may not understand everything they hear in this documentary movie but they sure will never forget the moment and how special the event was to Mommie and Daddy. So, make sure you take them. It is all about family; especially how important are fathers for the health of a society. Oh, don’t miss it!




It is “very good”!

This weekend, we brought my sister’s three kids over to our house so that they would have time with their cousins and my sister and her hubby would have a romantic weekend.

You may think that my husband and I are very nice to do that but my sister and her loving husband do that same kindness to us too until recently.

Well, we can now leave our kids home and go out to have romantic nights. And these days, our two teenagers are kind of independent with lots of their own activities and they don’t seem to be that much interested on “play time” with kids, excuse me, no more babies; (and the oldest child of my sister is one year older than our youngest son. So, go figure!). Continue reading It is “very good”!

Purity for the brave hearted!