PDA is only Holy with Married Couples

It was one of those sunny and breathy March days. I don’t remember what we did with our three kids but my Berhan and I managed to spend a romantic outing by ourselves.

We have our own favorite area down in DC where we always end up going and talking about our childhood and everything else except kids.

Yeah, whenever we have a date, we don’t allow each other to talk about our kids. Yes, talking about kids is politically incorrect topic on our date nights. You can imagine me how many times I go back to that forbidden topic because I spend most of my time with our kids.

So, on that day, we went to our favorite spot in DC and walked around until it was around 6pm and we went to our favorite restaurant for dinner. There were candle lights on every table and most guests were couples who were minding their own business, just like us.

While we were talking and laughing, enjoying our night out as if nobody’s business, I noticed a couple across our table staring at us, especially the woman. They were beautiful Caucasian couple, probably in their sixtieth. First, I thought I was imagining them staring at us but they kept on talking, smiling and looking at us.

So, I said to my Berhan, “My Love, I think those people are talking about us.”

He turned around and looked at them and said, “You are imagining things. Leave them alone. They are enjoying their dinner.”

I said, “Okay,” and tried to forget them.

But they didn’t stop staring at us. They came a little earlier than us. So, I saw them paying their bill. At that moment, the server set up our table to bring out our orders. My Berhan always washes his hands before he eats; it doesn’t matter if he is going to use fork and knife. That is his custom as a typical Ethiopian man. So, he got up and went to the restroom.

At that very moment, the couple got up and began their way out but instead of going out to the door, they came directly to me, smiling, the woman leading the way. I stared at her while I tried to smile back, not knowing what to expect.

She bent down to my ears and said, “Did he propose to you?”

Oh, my! They thought that we were unmarried couple on our special date.

Usually, my Berhan tends to hold my hands while talking to me and he has a good sense of humor which makes me laugh every time he brings up a weird topic to talk about. So I was laughing a lot and of course there must be kissing in the middle of all that. So the woman was 100% sure that my man was trying to convince me to marry him.

Anyways, I got up and said to her, “Oh, that is very nice of you but today is our tenth year wedding anniversary. And we have three lovely and beautiful kids.”

I wish you saw her face. Her jaw dropped and said, “Amazing! You guys are beautiful couple.” Her husband respectfully smiled to acknowledge his appreciation. And I said, “But thank you for your kindness to stop by to tell me that.”

Why did they think that we were unmarried couple dating? Doesn’t married couple express love and affection, forgetting and ignoring the outside world? I know I don’t blame them because looking around, that is what it looks like. But who said that love and affection is for unmarried couples who hardly know each other? Who said kissing, passionate touching and caressing are holy activities before marriage? Who said that PDA (Public Displayed Affection – as our daughter expresses it) is for unmarried couples? Maybe the culture teaches that, but not the Bible. ///

My last weekend message link

Don’t you love technology? I do very much so!

So, for those of you who didn’t join me last weekend with Ethiopian Christian Plus All (ECPA) PalTalk program, here is the link.

Thank you for "Renew yr Mind" (from ECPA) who shared this with me so that I would be able to share it with you all. God bless you my brother!

I heard the message as if it was from someone else, I love it and I recommend to all of you who can understand Amharic to hear it.

As usual, please partner with me and help me spread this message by sharing this post with your friends. Will you?

I bless God to all of you! God bless your Monday and the rest of your week!

In Christ, Missy.


Regardless, I love my dad!

After I graduated from pharmacy school in 2007 and added a title next to my name, my dad stopped calling me in the name he used to call me.

So, whenever I call him, he picks up the phone and says, “Doctor, my wise daughter.”

Well, I know the first one “Doctor”, I got it from “schooling” but the second one, believe me in this, it took me years and years of hard work to earn it.

Do you want to know my “OLD” nickname? Please don’t call me with that name, lol, but I will tell you anyways.

So, here we go: “Dinner of Fire” (those of you who are from Ethiopia should know what kind of bug is called like that – if you know the name of that bug in English, please let me know, lol). Well, this bug is curious for every little thing. It sometimes gets attracted to the shiny light of a fire and jumps into it not knowing that it burns it, lol.

Well, my dad doesn’t call me "Dinner of Fire" anymore. So now you know why I enjoy calling my dad; just to be called, not as “Dinner of Fire” (Hallelujah, God changed my name) but “Doctor, my wise daughter”.

For my mom and dad’s 50th years wedding anniversary lunch party, which was celebrated in Ghion Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, I presented one of my and dad’s story everybody who was there at the party loved. So, I will tell you that story today since I’m writing this to say “Happy Father’s Day” to my dad and to all the Dads out there.

So, when I was a teenager, making a phone call from home was something unthinkable. The monthly phone bill was driving my mom crazy. So, my mom bought a key and locked the dial (I attached the picture of the phone with this post so that those of you who are not from my generation will understand what kind of phone I’m talking about here, lol).

Even though my mom faithfully locked the phone every day, my siblings were able to keep in touch with their friends over the phone. I wondered how they did it.

So, one day, I saw one of my older siblings making a phone call while the phone was tightly locked. I was very curious how they did it.

Then one day, after so many trials and errors, I figured it out. Once you practice for a number of times, you can do it but it demands accuracy and speed, lol. You don’t need to know how to do it because I wonder if anybody has this kind of phone these days.

One day, my dad and I were home. Nobody was home. My mom was not home either and my dad didn’t have any clue where his wife went. After he waited for her for a long time, my dad became very nervous.

He asked me where my mom was and I told him that I didn’t know but told him that she could be at her sister’s house. He immediately said, “Okay, go ahead call your aunt’s house.”

I quickly replied, to make my point across that it was not good to lock the phone, “I can’t do that. You know mom always locks the phone and she takes the key with her.”

He was very frustrated. I kept my cool and sat next to him. It was around 5:30pm and my mom was nowhere to be found. When the clock read 6pm, my dad was really worried.

Calmly, I said to him (I know my siblings sacrificed me for that), “Do you want me to make a phone call so that you would know where she is?”

He looked at me as if I was trying to make a fool out of him, he said, “You don’t have the key, do you?”

Trying to read his face to see whether he was going to join my “club” or not, I said, still with calm voice, “No, I don’t have the key but if you want me to make a call, I will but you have to keep it as a secret and promise me that you won’t tell anyone.”

He looked at me as if I was one of “the ufos” or something. Now, I smiled mischievously and said, “Just promise me that you don’t say anything to anyone, especially to mom, do you?” I must be lunatic for thinking that because with my dad, nothing is a secret! I know that very well. Anyways!

He said, “Okay” with some hesitation which was very obviously seen across his face. I don’t know how I missed that, lol. So, I got up and called and talked to my aunt. My aunt told me that my mom had left few minutes ago.

I hang up the phone and told him. He was relieved but at the same time, he was staring at me as if I was “a mafia” or a gang organizer.

Within two or three minutes, my mom came. And guess what? My dad didn’t even say hello to her.

He asked her, “Do you have the key for the phone?”

She inquisitively said, “Yes.”

He said, “Forget it! Don’t even worry about carrying it with you anymore. You rather leave it here. Your daughter just made a phone call while the phone was locked.”

Yeah, that is my dad! The good thing is, that incident set us all free. My mom decided not to lock the phone. Rather, she chose to teach us about money and budget. Did I get that? Nope!

Well, yes, my dad hides nothing, my dear. No secret with him and I strive to be like him because I see him being emotionally healthy ALWAYS.

Believe it or not, I didn’t plan to write about my dad but about his dad, my grandpa. Well, what can I say? Let me say few things about my grandpa, the person even my dad was not privileged to know.

My dad last saw his dad when he was 9 years old. One day I asked my dad if he remembered anything of his dad and this is what he said:

“I remember my dad leaving home one early morning around 5am, carrying his rifle. I looked at him from the back. He didn’t say a word to me. He didn’t turn back to say bye or anything. He left and I stood there until he disappeared from my eyes. And that is the only picture I have of my dad. I have more memory of his back than his front.”

His dad died during the five years’ war between Italy and Ethiopia. After his dad died, my dad, being the first child, took over his dad’s place. He tried his best to provide to his stay-at-home mom and his two siblings.

Since he didn’t see the body of his dad, he expected him to come home and surprise them. But he never did. His uncles and most of the men in his neighborhood died in that war. So, it was (still is) very hard for my dad to find someone to tell him about his dad; or what he was like. He didn’t have any picture of his dad.

And recently, like eight years ago, he found a small book, about one of the generals who was leading the Ethiopian known fifty snipers during that time and there is one picture of the fifty snipers together in the middle of the story and the names of those soldiers were listed.

My dad was just simply reading that small book and all of a sudden, he read his dad’s full name being listed among the fifty snipers.

The problem was the names of those soldiers were not listed according to their lineup on the picture but according to their war title. His dad was the fifth one listed. My dad had no memory of his father’s face. So he was not able to tell which one was his dad from those fifty men. (I attached that picture with this post.)

He put that small book closer to his heart and sobbed. He sobbed as if he found his dad’s body.

Yes, my dad went through hell to make the ends meet because he lost his dad at early age. He didn’t have anyone to protect and provide for him, his siblings and his poor mom. He did everything upside down because he was young with no mentor or role model around. He always says, “I wish I’ve known my dad. I wish I had moments with him; moments I remember vividly. I wish my dad told me how to do life.”

And as a daughter of a fatherless father, I can tell you this: It hurts not to have a father while you have a father. My dad didn’t know how to do fathering. Looking back, I see many incidents where I wanted to have a father to protect me and fight for me but my dad didn’t know how to raise a daughter, protect her and love her in the way she wanted to be loved by her dad.

But regardless, I love my dad! He did “his best” which at times, his best was a nightmare for me. But regardless, I love him very dearly. I’m glad he was (still is) in my life. At least, his presence kept the thieves away from our house. Seeing a thief was my nightmare when I was a little girl but I used to take courage from my dad’s “WARRIOR” spirit whenever I became scared of thieves in the middle of the night. My dad was (still is) scared of nothing and nobody, including death. I know he is brave.

I attached one of my favorite pictures I had with my dad when I was three or four years old.

So, let me close here by saying this to all fathers out there, including my dad:



A reminder about the June 6th and 7th program!

Don’t forget to log in to your PalTalk account and join me on the Ethiopian Christian Plus All PalTalk program.

What an opportunity to be able to come together to worship and fellowship across the globe!

I’m seriously looking forward to it.

Make sure you drop your questions in my inbox; questions you want me to go over tomorrow or Saturday.

Yes, I’m still receiving questions and keep them coming!

If you already dropped me a question and if you know that you are not going to attend both days, tell me which day you want me to address your question so that I will address it at your presence (again, assuming that I have an answer, lol).

Let’s come prayerfully and God will change us for good!

Good night,
In Christ, Missy.

“Who says it has to be itsy bitsy?”

Summer vacation, swimsuits, and modesty – and more!

Hmm! Actress and designer Jessica Rey – one of the actresses in the TV series Power Ranger – talking about bikini – Interesting!

She said, “Bikini inspires men to see women as objects something to be used; not rather than someone to connect with. – – – So, wearing a bikini gives women power; power to shut down man’s ability to see her as a person but rather as an object.”

The medial frontal context of the brain (TAKE NOTE) of a man will shut off when he sees woman in a bikini and the brain part which is able to identify objects such as a screw-driver or a chair will turn on. That means a man who is looking at the woman with a bikini can’t see her as a human being but as an object.

She said, "You can dress modestly without sacrificing fashion. – – – Modesty is not about covering our body because they are bad; modesty is not about hiding ourselves; it is about revealing our dignity." Wow!

Phenomenal speech!

Make sure you hear the whole presentation. She designs her own swimsuits. If you want to buy similar swimsuits she is recommending to wear so that your dignity will be out on a display, make sure you shop quick to any department stores because they are selling out very fast. Yes, most women want to follow their natural God given instinct of modesty.///


Looking of a Wife

What if the prayer of Abraham’s servant who was sent out to look for a wife for Isaac was like this (Genesis 24):

“God, please let that woman be the wife of Isaac who gives me a cup of water when I tell her that I’m thirsty.”

Well, any woman on his way; any woman who came first; any woman with a skirt would have been Isaac’s wife.

But Abraham’s servant was wise. He prayed in the way to filter out the word “any” from the prefix of the word “woman” so that he would end up with “the unique, rare and hard to find” one.

So, if you are a single man, looking for a wife, don’t pray for “any” woman to be your wife. Rather pray to find a woman who has a potential to be a Proverbs 31 kind of wife; a wife who has a potential to live for you and your kids. Since you are called to die for her, you need a wife who is going to live for you and your kids.

One of the identifying characteristics of that kind of wife is this: She serves others out of her way. She is not into herself. She reaches out. She may dress up nice and beautiful but that is not where her life ends. She is willing to go the extra mile to do good for others who are not able to pay her back.

But as usual, you can only see and find her if you are sexually pure (Matthew 5:27-28) because sexual immorality blinds your sight so that you won’t be able to see anything that is honorable and pure. If your sight is not there, you will pick a woman who will make you curse the rest of your life.

So, first get your sight back if you already lost it because of sexual immorality; then seek and find a woman who makes you bless the rest of your life on earth. Yes, she is in your vicinity. Yes, she is around. ///

A man in a Black Tuxedo

It is wonderful to watch a church wedding ceremony where the bride walks down the aisle, with her dad walking beside her. Everybody’s eyes including her husband to be are fixed on her.

The funny thing is: Have you ever been in the wedding where you vividly remember how the groom looked like? No, you won’t.

You may probably say, “Yes, I do remember. He wore a black tuxedo.”

Well, okay, let me prove you wrong then: How was his hairstyle?

Got you, didn’t I?

Yes, nobody pays attention to the groom. He is just boring. No earrings, no makeup, his clothes don’t fill the floor; his face is just bare and naked. What do you see? Nothing! There is nothing exciting about him. And that is how it should be!

But the bride is the one all eyes staring at. Just by looking at her, we can tell how good “a pursuer” the man in the tuxedo is. We can tell how “persuasive” he is to make this beautiful bride his.

With her decent and respectful smile, waving her hands to the people she recognized among the guests, she steals everyone’s attention.

“Wow, she is pretty,” people say. And they add, “Where did he find her?”

Why? The Bible says, his woman is his crown (Proverbs 12:4) and glory (1 Corinthians 11:7).

The black suit or the tuxedo the groom wears brings the truth of God to light; the one that says, “He gave Himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25-33).

She wears a white gown; which is a sign of not only sexual purity but a beginning of a brand new life. He wears a BLACK suit or a tuxedo because that day is the end of him; that day is the end of his life; it is somehow a “mourning day” which in a way is a “funeral service” for him. (And to tell you the truth, in light of the truth I just told you, I don’t know if I like to see a groom with a shiny white suit or tuxedo, with a design haircut. I mean, think about it!)

God created a man to be a fighter and a warrior who protects and rescues the women and children under his care or around his area. When he marries a girl, he is called to be a hero who EVERY DAY lays down his life for her and the kids as he provides and cares for and protects them.

There is only one girl given to him from the whole world for him to be one with. The rest of the women are his sisters in Christ to protect from any physical, emotional and mental danger. Can you just imagine then a man sleeping with his sister or taking advantage of her, breaking her heart as he leaves her to her own and using her for his sexual fantasies?

God forbid for any man in Christ to do such a thing!

God bestowed on a man an anointing to lead; to lead in truth, honesty and sexual integrity.

Lots of movie directors made countless movies where the hero kills all his enemies and recuses his woman to marry her at the end, for them to live “happily ever after.”

Well, I love to watch those kinds of movies where my favorite hero comes out of fire, or drops from the sky, alive, in one piece. I don’t want to cry; I want to laugh and say, “Oh, good! Thank God! I’m glad he didn’t die!”

But deep in my soul, I also adore to watch those movies where the hero, the main actor, the MAN in charge dies so that others may live happily ever after. It touches me too deep that I wipe my tears and at the same time, I laugh and say, “Oh, what a wonderful movie! HE IS THE MAN!”

Yes, that is the perfect picture of creation. How many women go to war to keep the peace of the society? How many women are fire fighters? How many women are in the US Navy Seals? Isn’t that self-explanatory?

God created every man to be a fighter to save and rescue others, especially women and children at the cost of his life. When we read the Bible, we see men going to war to save their women and children. And when enemies come, they take their women and children because they know that their women and children are the ones they are dying for. So, in a way, they kill their purpose for life by taking away the very thing they are fighting for.

Do you think Satan wants a man to find his call and purpose he is created for? Are you serious! If a man finds his purpose in life, if he finds his spiritual call, Satan will be doomed. The man will be unstoppable!

Guess where a man mainly finds his spiritual call and purpose in life?


What? Yes, there is a lot at stake in the man’s sexuality than we think. HIS SEXUALITY IS THE ONLY TARGET SATAN PUTS HIS EYES ON!

Until a man finds this foundational and spiritual call of God which is HIDDEN IN HIS SEXUALITY, his life will be a waste before God. Yes, he may drive nice car and holds a well-paying job, surrounding himself with beautiful girls but when everything is said and down, his life will be a waste.

Man’s call is intertwined with his sexuality. If he gains control over his sexuality to the point of honoring God in his sexual life, his call will be accomplished to its full extent. When a man gets control of his sexual desire, he lives for God’s call. He willingly lays his life for the people who are under his care. He desires their well-being more than anything. Precious, that is a disaster for the kingdom of Satan and this world.

So, Satan and this world invite the man to live for himself. They promise him pleasure and happiness at no cost. They promise him that he has to work nothing to earn what they are promising him to give.

The account of the story where Jesus blessed those five loaves of bread and two fish, gives us the total number of men; leaving out women and children. Why? Were they considered useless? Were they seen as second citizens, second to the men?

Oh, no, they were not. But those women and kids were at the care of those men around them. If those men were not there, they wouldn’t be there either. If nobody was there to provide, protect and fight for them, they wouldn’t be found that day.

Satan then hates the man because the man is “A COVERING” for many!

A single man who is living by himself, doing his own things, is also a “rescuer” of women and children.

So, the easy and short way for the devil and this world to destroy many is by making the man out of the game. And the one way to make the man out of the game is to mess his sexuality up.

Once a man is out of the game, he sees women as sex toys, commodities and he may even make statements such as this: “God created women for man’s sexual pleasure”. "Porn is movie. The women in the porn movies are actors to bring pleasure for me."

He also sees kids as “inconveniences” or a source of “financial benefit” as he writes them off for tax return.

He didn’t know that he has been targeted and killed in the game so that he can’t be a kind of a husband to his wife and a father to his children and an honorable citizen to the society he is living in. He didn’t know that his sexuality is sabotaged and kidnapped.

A man is called to protect a woman. He is not required to go around and say to the women in his neighborhood, “Do not fear. I’m here; I will protect you.”

Oh, no, he won’t do that.

One best way he protects the woman in his vicinity is this way: Just like Joseph, if a woman entices him for extra- or premarital sex, he leaves his jacket to her and runs away. Why? He knows that he is there to protect her; not to take advantage of her. He knows that the way he chooses to handle the woman he is called to protect is the one which determines the rest of his life. So, he runs away.

Here is the message for today then: If you are a man, single or married, know that your sexuality is at stake. The war is waged against your sexual desire. As long as you follow the biblical prescription of sexual fulfillment, Satan and this world will lose interest to hunt you down. They won’t have anything to do with you. If you are already scammed by their tricks and gimmicks, please seek help so that you will stop the curse from your life and the life of others who are under your care. Claim your sexuality back from Satan and this world and save a generation. Once you take control of your sexuality to the glory of God, you shall receive back your peace, tranquility and joy. ///

“He suddenly kissed me.”

The natural desire of a girl to be wanted, needed, desired and pursued by a man is a very strong desire. Sometimes this desire can be so strong that it forces a girl to create a reality that doesn’t really exist.

If she doesn’t master self-control over her desire, sometimes the desire itself may make the girl act flirtatiously towards a man and she may end up saying something like:

“We were chatting about something silly and he suddenly kissed me.”

You know, men are naturally scared of women. I know that sounds an “up-side-down,” kind of statement, doesn’t it?

Well, men are not scared of women, fearing that she would chop their heads off with one karate kick (as it is portrayed on the movies – laughing matter).

Oh, no, they are not scared of women that way. If mentally and emotionally matured men are confronted by a woman who threatens them physically, they run away from her as if they were cowards. It is not like they are scared of her or anything but they are scared of themselves because if they respond back to her physically, they know that they will end up checking her out from this life with only one blow and they don’t want to do that. How nice!

I’m not talking about that kind of “camouflaged fear”.

Men are scared of a woman in the area of romance. Note: I’m not addressing here those men who are rapists, pedophilia, lunatics and similar group of people. Rather, I’m addressing here those normal and healthy men we usually meet in our day to day life, like in our church, school, work area, family and friends’ gathering.

Well, the one thing a man dreads to experience is to be rejected by a woman; a woman looking at him with contempt as if to say to him, “Do you call yourself a man? Do you think you are my match?”

He can’t take that “blow” very lightly because when a man pursues a woman, he pretty much puts “all his eggs in one basket”. He presents who he is, what he knows and doesn’t know, his looks, what he can and can’t do for that woman to look at and accept or reject. If he honestly pursues her with all his being, and if she rejects him, he gets hurt to the core of himself. If he pursues her “as-a-matter-of-factly” and she rejects his request, he moves on to the next one. But if he seriously pursues her, he gets crashed. He takes her rejection as if she rejected him as a person, as a man and a human being. And fear of that kind of experience can seriously keep some men away from approaching a woman.

Some men so hate this experience more than anything that they choose not to pursue a woman and sometimes they end up marrying a woman who pretty much pursues and kidnaps them.

So often a man tends to approach a woman he is interested in with caution. He first picks the cue from the girl from very far away. If she gives him “a green light”, he takes swift step to move very quickly.

Without the cue, Beloved, no man jumps and kisses a girl. Do you read that?

So when a girl comes and says, “I know this kissing and passionate touching stuff are sinful before marriage but yesterday when I was with a guy, he suddenly kissed me,” I smile.

I wonder if she is saying, “The man couldn’t resist himself. I’m so beautiful that his self-control ability was out of whack and he was all over me.”

I know that is a kind of reality we all women want to have: A man dying of our love, bowing down for our beautiful eyes and faces to the point of being in chain for love for life. That is fantasy, my dear, especially in this century.

Let me tell you something: If a girl is willing to be in the man’s car, in the dark, flirting with him, talking about what sex is like in the marriage or how many known sex positions are there, and if the man doesn’t kiss her or do something with her, his mental, physical and emotional health status have to be checked.

After she goes with him to a cinema, takes a backseat, wearing his jacket because she is cold and if this man doesn’t kiss her and keeps his hands to himself, he should be taken to the ER for being dead while breathing. And his ER diagnosis must read something like, “The man is not responding to the normal stimuli as he was supposed to and his brain has to be checked.” And to tell you the truth, most probably, that girl won’t see him again because she will question about his sexuality.

Beloved, there is no “He suddenly kissed me” kind of reality. He doesn’t kiss anyone who doesn’t give him a permission to do so. He first takes small “baby steps” to see if he can continue. If he receives permission, he moves on to the higher ones. A man doesn’t move his hand unless he first receives a “go ahead” cue from the woman.

So the message is this: If you are a girl reading this, take note! If you wonder why men tend to like to hang around you, talk about those “forbidden” topics with you and dare to kiss your neck (ouch!), you might be sending them those irresistible cues to them, cues which they read them as, “Move to action; I’m okay. I won’t eat you.”

If more than one man reacted towards you this way, daring to talk in front of you about sexual stuff and dare to touch and kiss you, the problem may not be with the men but with you.
So, Beloved, before you blame the men, it would be excellent to see if there is any cue you are sending to them for them to act erratically towards you.

See if you are not modest in the way you are adorning yourself. See if all your main and important body parts are covered properly. When you put them all out, the cue the man gets is this: “They are free for any man,” and forces him to take a bit from that “forbidden fruit”.

Last but not least, see if you have clear biblical moral standards when it comes to sexual purity. Once you get those things straight on your part, you will successfully clear your path out of those men who may seem “suddenly” jump all over you.

The Bible says: “I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” 1Timothy 2:9-10 ///

Timely message

I’m getting ready to go to a graduation party of a beautiful newlywed girl and I can’t wait to be part of this joyful celebration.

And one thing came to my mind and I didn’t want to go without sharing it with you. Let me make one disclaimer though before I say what I am about to say (write):

“I’m writing this on behalf of many people; I have no personal agenda whatsoever.” Continue reading Timely message

Good morning my Facebook fans

What a beautiful Saturday morning!

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy this kind of morning. May all the glory and praise be to our God who makes beautiful days such as this one for us to enjoy!

Okay, for the next two hours, I will be on Facebook. If you have any question or anything you want to talk to me, drop me message. Make sure you drop your messages in my inbox, not on the post so that I will respond back to you. Continue reading Good morning my Facebook fans

Purity for the brave hearted!