Did I say, “Sex outside marriage can’t quench our sexual thirst?”

Oops! I think I already said that. Well, it won’t hurt if I say it again, will it? No, it won’t.

But do you know why sex outside marriage can’t quench our sexual thirst? Because God is not in it! Guess who is in it? You guessed it, it is the devil, with his horn and tail and he loves to keep us in there, telling us, “Don’t worry, have fun now and you will ask forgiveness later and you will be free”. Wow, how many years have passed since he promised that???

Hey, if you are the one the devil is lying to, redeem your day today and come out of that sinful lifestyle. Come to the Shepherd of your soul who knows how to take care of all your thirsts and hungers because He created them all. ///

Looking for a woman or what?

“It has been almost two years since I’m in the process of looking for a wife. So far I asked four girls. The first one never says “I love you” to me and I thought she is emotionless and left her. The second one, she is nice one day and the other day, she just ignores me. I couldn’t stand her mood swings. So, I broke up with her. The third one, she is not specific in what she wants. Continue reading Looking for a woman or what?

A book you may want to read

I almost forgot to share with you all one of the fantastic books I read over my vacation. I know, how dare I keep away anything that is good for you? Do you know how I remembered? Well, I ordered some books and they came yesterday night and I opened the box and kissed them. I know you may think that I’m lunatic but believe me in this; there are anointed and gifted authors out there who made you forget the whole world out there and soaked you in the Word of God! Continue reading A book you may want to read

Good morning to you all who are in DC area!

Did you get a chance to step outside? Oh, LORD, it is a gorgeous day! Praise the LORD! Another brand new day to love and worship our God and live for Him!

And I can’t tell you how excited I’m to deliver the message of God within a couple hours in the area of sexual purity at the International Ethiopian Evangelical Church (IEEC) here in DC. I will be delivering the same message for both services. So, if you can’t make it at 9am (because you are still sleeping, lol), you can join us at 11:30am. God will give us a wonderful time together! Continue reading Good morning to you all who are in DC area!

Orde A4P CDs online

Hello everyone:

I love my August 11 morning! Already! I know, too early to say that but hey, sometimes the day itself proclaims it with a beautiful sun light! That’s called redeeming the day!

Okay, for those of you who want to get the first two CDs of Appeal for Purity (A4P), you can now go to the A4P official website (www.appealforpurity.org) and order. However, your order can only come after Sunday, August 17 which is the official release day of those CDs. If you want to get in bulk for your fellowship and/or church, drop me message with your contact number.

Have a blessed day!
In Him, Missy.

Different or the Same?

The Bible doesn’t classify and categorize sexual sins according to “hierarchy” or “scale of severity” but lists them in the same group.

For example, fornication (sex between unmarried people), adultery (sex outside the marital covenant), and homosexuality (sex between the same gender) are listed together (read Leviticus, 1 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians and more).

Continue reading Different or the Same?

When a girl first falls in love with a man

A4P Guest: “I am 22 years old and I am active in my church. I’ve never dated or been in love with a man before but now I think I am in love with a guy I’m ministering with. We are in the same ministry and I don’t think he is noticing me in that way. Last time, he took everybody’s number to give us all a call to remind us about our prayer meeting. He called me once and he never called me after that. I constantly think about him and I don’t know what I need to do. I don’t think he has the same feeling for me as I do for him. What should I do?” Continue reading When a girl first falls in love with a man

Purity for the brave hearted!