Say What?

A4P Guest: I’ve been seeing this man for the last 13 months and he proposed to me last month and gave me an expensive diamond ring. We both are Christians and we were planning to get married next summer. Two weeks ago, I found one text message in his phone from a woman. From her message, I could tell that he was sleeping with her the night before I found the message. When I confronted him, he said, “I am not in love with her. I went to her because you said no to sex.” Now I feel like I need to call her and tell her that he is engaged to be married with me. Do you think she will leave my man alone?”

A4P: Hold on a second and let me read this question again. Maybe I’m reading it backward.
Continue reading Say What?

Our Flesh and Sexual Purity (was posted on 11/07/2013)

But sexual purity doesn’t come natural to our human nature because of Adam’s fall. Our flesh is always inclined more toward sexual immorality than sexual purity. Sexual purity is a “foreign language” for our flesh to understand. It can’t make sense out of it. So, it always rejects it immediately for a momentary pleasure. After all, when flesh is destined to turn to dust where it came from, how can it care about tomorrow or about a lasting pleasure? It can’t! The Bible says: “- – – flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 15:50).

Now is the only time flesh lives and it soon turns to dust. So it doesn’t care about eternity or tomorrow or not even later.

Only that spirit which is born of God understands what sexual purity is all about. Why? Because sexual purity is all about a lasting pleasure, joy, contentment, rest and peace which are the fruits of the spirit. Well, the spirit, which is born of God, lives on and on forever and ever by rejecting the temporal things for the sake of the lasting ones!

Therefore, the war that is waged in us is always between the flesh, which is willing to lose it all for a momentary pleasure, and the spirit, which is always willing to count all the temporal pleasures as loss for the pure, perfect and lasting pleasure which is only found in God at His timing. ///

P. S. For those of you who may not get a chance to read my post yesterday, this is what is going on with A4P. As part of the A4P one year anniversary celebration (which is coming up on Oct. 31), I’m going to re-post my earlier posts throughout the month of Oct. The first person who is going to drop their comment on the first re-post (which was yesterday and the winner has already been selected) and the last person who is going to drop their nice comment on the last re-post on Oct 31, will receive prize from A4P as part of the celebration. But in the meantime, if the Holy Spirit gives me a message to share with you all, I will go ahead and post

Power of Choice (this was posted on 10/31/2013)

Choosing our action is something that can be looked at very lightly but it is a powerful privilege in this life for us to be able to choose what to say; what to do or even think. But once we make a choice, we can’t choose on the consequences of our choices. That is when it gets a little tricky. We can predict the consequences of some of our choices, like not stopping at the red traffic light. Duh, the consequence will be getting a penalty point and traffic light violation fee. But there are life choices which we have no way of knowing what the consequences will be. So the Bible warns us to make meditation of the Word of God our daily habit so that our actions will only produce nothing but life. ///

The Month of October

The month of October!

A4P is soon going to celebrate its one year anniversary! I know time flies, doesn’t it!

Well, I launched the Appeal for Purity’s Facebook page on October 31, 2013, on the Halloween Day. I didn’t plan to do it on that day; but I believe it was in God’s plan and agenda to launch the page on that particular day. May all the glory and praise be to Him alone!
Continue reading The Month of October

Very Funny Question

A4P Guest: So, Missy, I like what you posted yesterday titled “My Berhan’s answer to” but I feel like you wrote it not Berhan himself. Did you write it?

A4P: LOL, I laughed like crazy but I won’t blame you for asking that question. There are very few husbands who go out in public and claim that they are supporting their wife’s vision, call, dream and ministry. And believe me, I won’t take any of my husband’s support and encouragement for granted.

Precious, anything you see in us that is praiseworthy is from God, nothing from us! We know very well where we would have been if it was not for the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. May His name be praised forever!

So, the answer for that question is: Not even a word! My Berhan wrote it and I posted it; God is my Witness.

I took your question as a complement though because I’m My Berhan’s disciple in many respect and if you think that piece is mine, that means I’m a good writer and my teacher, my Berhan, should be proud of himself for making a copy of himself. Don’t you think so? ///

My Berhan’s answer to: What does “I release my wife to the Work of God” mean?

Hello A4P supporters and fans… this is Berhan (Missy’s Husband). I noticed how the YouTube post of a clip from a Sunday service at IEEC where I gave a "lengthy" (don’t laugh now) speech has gotten quite a reception from y’all. I wanted to take another opportunity, here on A4P’s status, and iterate how I whole heartedly support the mission and passion that GOD has placed on my lovely wife, Missy.

Missy’s mission to battle the enemy head-on, for a sexually pure heart and mind of GOD’s people, is so timely, crucial and pivotal to help us reach and experience the life that GOD desires and commands us to have.
Continue reading My Berhan’s answer to: What does “I release my wife to the Work of God” mean?

Eternity as a Circle or Horizontal Line

Some people say, “If eternity is like Atlantic Ocean, our life on earth is like a drop from that big Ocean.”

Well, how do you see a drop? As a circle, don’t you? And a circle is a closed shape. There is no continuity to it. It starts at one point, goes around 360 degrees and ends where it starts.

But for me personally, I don’t see my eternal and present life like a circle but as a horizontal line and I will tell you why.
Continue reading Eternity as a Circle or Horizontal Line

If you missed it!

For those of you who may miss this video clip, I want to post it again. Oh, how I love to watch this clip, again and again and again! God is good, isn’t He?

Don’t forget to "subscribe" to the Appeal for Purity Youtube account.

And I once again encourage those of you who live in America to order my first two CD teachings titled "What Sex is not" and "What sex is" from A4P official website ( The CDs are done in Amharic and if God’s will, the English version will be released soon.

Blessing to you all!
In Him, Missy.

“I release my wife to the ministry”

Here is the video clip I told you about! The day my better half publicly released me to the ministry of the Kingdom of God!

Oh, how I love this man! I not only love him but I respect and treasure him! May the LORD make him the father of many! I won’t do all I do now if it was not for this man I love to death! Yes, God first blessed me with him and then He called me. How can I say "No" to God? I can’t!

He taught me how to live for others! He showed me how to love others! He taught me to serve others without expecting anything in return! He is my Head Role model I strive to emulate daily! He is always teaching me how to live by faith not by sight! He always reminds me that I’m in this ministry because of God’s call! He is the one always says to me, "My Love, don’t be afraid. God is with you! Tell the Truth of God without fear! and leave the rest to God!"

Oh, may the LORD bless the rest of his day! ///

Purity for the brave hearted!