“You look Sexy!”

Have you ever seen a comment dropped off on a picture that goes like this: “You look Sexy” or just “Sexy” or “Hot” and the reply for that comment is, “Thank you” with a smile emoticon?

Yeah, we all read that comment and/or we too maybe dropped off that comment thinking that the meaning of “You look Sexy” or “you look Hot” is “You are extremely beautiful!”

But does the word “Sexy” or “Hot” mean “Beautiful”?

Continue reading “You look Sexy!”

Singleness is not a curse!

Singleness is a gift from God. Think about it! When we came to this life, we didn’t really get a chance to choose our parents, siblings, our neighborhood, or country. We just “boom” and found ourselves in this world. We didn’t have a chance to say “Okay, God, try again. I don’t like my surroundings.” No, we can’t say that. We are here and so are our parents, families, tribes, surroundings and everything else.

Continue reading Singleness is not a curse!

My upcoming program

A program I’ve been waiting for!

Okay, so, if you are married and are going to be in DC for the next four weeks, I invite you to attend the class I’m giving for married couples only.

The title of the class is: SEXUAL INTIMACY! I love it!

You can’t attend this class unless you have your spouse with you! That means, your spouse is your entrance ticket!

If you know anyone who are married, invite them to come! ///

Flyer for Marriage Class 2014 Fall

Competition quick update

Excellent! One pretty contestant is added to the competition!

Betty Chak

Thank you Betty! All the best!

One question: “Is this competition open to all even to those who live in Ethiopia or Eritrea?” Yes, it is open to all!

All the judges are now ready but I am short of one single girl and one married man who are going to complete the number of judges who are needed for the competition. (I so far have one married man, my hubby is one of them, two single men, one beautiful single girl, and two married women – I’m one of them).

So, if you are a single girl or a married man and want to be a judge, drop me a message or two.

For those of you who want to sign up for the competition, just drop your comment on this post saying, “I’m in!”

The deadline for signing up for the competition is this coming Thursday, Oct. 16. Thank you guys! ///

Purity for the brave hearted!