The Two Most Pivotal Moments of My Teen Years

One of the two most pivotal moments of my teen years occurred when I was in elementary school. I was twelve years old. In the middle of our recess time, one of my friends who was a boy, came running towards me, away from his friends. He wanted to show me the magazine that he was holding but one of his friends was fighting to take it from him. I didn’t know what the magazine was all about but I wanted to see it. So, I joined the fight to get the magazine and I took it from his hand and randomly flipped the pages.

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Meet all the Modesty Competition Contestants!

Well, here they are! Just to give you all heads up, the picture quality the girls sent out is very different and it was very hard to make a video out them. Regardless, my dear beloved brother, (whom I don’t want to introduce to you today as a “matter of fact-ly” rather on a special occasion) did an excellent job with all the pictures.

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Sexual Addiction and Suicidal Thought

Sexual addiction and suicidal thought usually go hand in hand because sexual addiction is an attack on self (1 Corinthians 6:18). When the attack gets serious, self wants to check out from this life because soul and spirit of the person begin asking, “Where is joy? Where is peace? Where is rest? Where is pleasure?” And they drive the person crazy to the point of ordering him/her to commit suicide.

The only way to escape from this is by repenting and becoming clean before God.

Please don’t listen to the devil. Don’t say “I will repent tomorrow”. There is no tomorrow. We only have “today”. Tomorrow is only found in a fantasy world. Today is the day of salvation (1 Corinthians 6:1-2).

If you don’t do it today, you won’t do it tomorrow.

And please don’t try to do it alone. Didn’t you try multiple times to stop it? Didn’t you fall back to it all over again? What makes you think then that you can do it again ALONE? Seek help from other believers and save your life. Some rejected this kind of warning and they went to their eternal sleep; gone never to be back again. Please don’t be one of them. Run to others for help and rescue your life. ///

(This was originally posted on January 29, 2013 – here it is with few new added points)

“My Friend’s husband asked me to sleep with him”

A4P Guest: My friend’s husband called me recently and asked me to sleep with him. I was very shocked. I’m married and they’ve been married now for three years. My husband and I and my friend and her husband, we all are Christians and we go to the same church. Now, I don’t know what I need to do. Of course I hung up the phone on him but do you think I need to tell my friend that her husband asked me to sleep with him? If I don’t tell her, I feel like I am hiding a secret from her and I read what you posted yesterday and I felt like God wants me to bring this secret out from the dark. What do you advise me?

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Purity for the brave hearted!