One of the greatest blessings God has given to humanity is the institution of marriage between one man and one woman. Continue reading Cursed Humanity In A Marriage
“Before I Do Something Drastic”
I know I am supposed to continue where I left off last time and I sure will continue from there today. However, when I see your questions/comments on the comment section or via text or email, I can’t ignore them especially those questions/comments which I deem as critical for us Christians. Continue reading “Before I Do Something Drastic”
Is This Existence Life???
Life is challenging for everyone. But why is life so tough? We often assume that those who possess all the luxuries of this world are the happiest and most fulfilled individuals. However, as we delve deeper into their lives, we realize this isn’t true. So, who truly has an easy life? Continue reading Is This Existence Life???
Your Future is Bleak If – – –
I know I promised to pick up where we left off last time, but I wanted to take a step back and revisit the passage we previously studied. This will allow us to examine the passage more closely. Continue reading Your Future is Bleak If – – –
Ah, Too Bad! Too Bad!
Have you ever heard people, especially women, say things like this or something similar: “Being a stay-at-home mom isn’t for everyone. Personally, I can’t stay home to raise my kids. I feel naturally inclined to work outside the home and contribute financially to my family. I feel suffocated if I stay home with my kids.” Continue reading Ah, Too Bad! Too Bad!
Your Desire Shall Be For Your Husband
When our daughter was four or five years old, she learned during our family Bible study about Adam and Eve, how they sinned against God and were cursed, and how their sin brought a curse upon humanity and the earth. Continue reading Your Desire Shall Be For Your Husband
“Greatly Multiply Your pain”
When we tune into the news, hoping for a message that renews our hope in life, we often encounter something that terrorizes and terrifies us instead. Continue reading “Greatly Multiply Your pain”
“If It Wasn’t For My Wife”
In our last post, we concluded by discussing the origin of our struggle to accept and own our sins. This struggle stems from our father, the First Adam, who fought to maintain his innocence by accusing and blaming God and his wife, Eve, for his own sin. Continue reading “If It Wasn’t For My Wife”
The Woman You Gave Me
We are still in the midst of discussing the major scenes in Genesis, chapters one through three. Today, we will continue from where we left off last time. By the way, there are numerous events in those chapters, but we have selected a few key moments to guide us toward our goal: understanding the marriage between one man and one woman according to the word of God. Continue reading The Woman You Gave Me
Covered Their Nakedness
We are continuing directly from our previous teachings. We’ve explored significant scenes from Genesis chapters one through three. If you haven’t read our earlier posts, please catch up now to follow along with today’s message. Continue reading Covered Their Nakedness