If you are married and live in the Washington, District of Columbia area (DC area), I invite you to come to the seminar Appeal for Purity is hosting.
It is going to be during Valentine’s weekend, Saturday, February 18, from 9am to 5pm, in the Sheraton Silver Spring Hotel.
For those of you who have already registered, thank you!
Some people have asked me few questions about this seminar and I would like to address their questions here:
Q: Is the seminar about Valentine?
A: No, it is not. The seminar has nothing to do with Valentine even though I love the story of Valentine.
Q: I’m single. Can I come?
A: This seminar is open only for married couples.
Q: I’m married but my wife is now in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and she will come after four or six months. Can I come by myself?
A: This seminar is open only for married couples who live together.
Q: My husband is going to work on that Saturday. So, can I come to the seminar all by myself, I am willing to pay full price ($100/couple)?
A: We would love to have you there but there are things I am planning to address to wives as well as husbands and I want both of you to hear it. “I will tell him later” thing usually doesn’t work.
Q: Do I need to register ahead of time? What if I come on the day of the seminar?
A: There is no registration at the door. We only expect those who are registered. Our Eventbrite registration page is set to close on February 16. So, make sure you register prior to that day.
Q: My wife and I want to come. So, I was wondering if you have arranged someone to babysit our one year old son. We are willing to pay for the service.
A: No, we don’t have that service. One of the goals of this seminar is to encourage you and your husband to come out without your child. I hope you can find someone to babysit your son so that you can attend the seminar attentively.
Q: What exactly are you going to teach about? How we can receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior?
A: I’m going to talk about marital intimacy. I know that it is a gigantic topic but my hope is I may be able to touch on many core issues during the Q&A session.
If you have any question, drop them here on this post or inbox us. ///
P. S. You can click here to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/valentines-day-married-couples-seminar-one-ticketcouple-tickets-31101930712?aff=es2