Litmus Test

Most of us love those who love us, don’t we? And we don’t love those who, we think, don’t have any love for us, just like the Pharisees.

But God’s love, the love we received freely, is not like that. God’s kind of love makes us love everybody no matter who the people are.
Because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). 
And God called us to live in His love. 
So, the litmus test to see if we live in the love of God is to see if we love others regardless of who they are.
I don’t know about you but for me, this is very convicting. It sure exposes the ugliness of my heart. It is just easy to live like a Pharisee than like Jesus.
But the good news is this: The love of God is not something we can fabricate. It is something that is given to us by God, because of what Christ Jesus did for us on the cross, through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). 
That means, we who are in Christ have the love of God in our hearts. So, when we fellowship with Him, seek Him and His ways, this love that lives in our hearts flows out of us without any effort.  
But since this “Agape love,” is not really part of our nature, we don’t see it becoming our second nature in our lives, but as we abide in Him and Him in us, eventually one day, it will become our second nature. 
Don’t you love to see that day? I do!
When will that day come? 
Help me LORD to be patient as You mold and make me so I take Your Son’s imagine. ///