“It Must Be God!”

I wanted to cook something good for my family yesterday. You know that I was away from home for few days and they didn’t really complain about it. So, I wanted to reward them with a good dinner.

Did I ever tell you that cooking is not my number one favorite thing in life? Well it’s not. I serve my family hoping that I will be rewarded for it in heaven. I’m not kidding! I don’t appreciate any part of the kitchen work. But hey, I do it anyways and I train myself every day to enjoy it with the help and encouragement of my loving husband. (BTW, I have a reason why I don’t like cooking and I will tell you about it some other time.)

So, while I was gathering together all the ingredients I need to make a meatloaf (my kids’ favorite dish), I realized that I didn’t have plain yogurt and enough ground beef. So I went to one of the nearby groceries to get some.

Then while I was standing at the checkout aisle to pay for my grocery, I thought I’ve heard someone speaking to me (I was listening to the Bible.) So, I thought I was standing in their way. When I turned around, it was a handsome very kind looking young man. He smiled at me and said something in my first language (in Amharic) but I wasn’t sure what he said. So, I took my headphones out and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that.”

He said, in Amharic, “I thought I’ve seen you somewhere; your face is very familiar.”

So, I smiled and said, “Maybe you saw me on YouTube? I’m known by the name, Dr. Meskerem.”

Before I even finished the statement, he said, “OMG!” and he made a “cross sign” and said, “It must be God.”

Apparently he was on the phone with someone when he stopped and talked to me. So, he said to the person on the other line, “You don’t believe who I’ve run into. I will tell you later;” and he hung up the phone.

Imagine me. I was a bit bewildered with the whole thing. He quickly said, “I won’t take your time, I promise. I know you are busy; but would you please give me two minutes of your time?”

I said, “Of course I will,” and we paid for our groceries and stepped out. He said, “Missy, I’m a married man, married to a beautiful woman and we have kids. My religion is orthodox but I follow your YouTube videos because I love listening to your teachings. My wife and I have some minor conflicts right now. While I was watching your message on YouTube the other day, I was touched to the core of myself and wondered how I could reach out to you to see if you could help us. Just ten minutes ago, I had a not-good-conversation with my wife and here you are standing in front of me. That is why I said, “It must be God.””

I was about to break out into praise and worship just right there in a public parking lot; not that I met him; but because God is using my imperfect message to touch and change the hearts of many people from all walks of life and religions. Then even if I wanted to raise my hands and worship God, I kept my cool and continued speaking to him.

You know, the truth of God is not given to a certain group of people but to all human beings.

Listen to this: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) (capitalization is mine)

This is quite an astonishing promise of God if you really think about it. If we believe and accept it, we will have an eternal life (which begins on this side of heaven); if we choose to reject it, we will get tortured for eternity in a place where the Bible describes it as, “the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.” (Mark 9:48)

So, my friend, if you haven’t made a decision to welcome Jesus Christ into your life, make this day the first day of your intimate relationship with Christ. Give Jesus the wheel of your life and you will never regret it!

I’ve done that a long time ago. I was scared to respond to the altar call; instead, I went to my apartment in New Delhi, India and in the middle of the night, looking at the ceiling, I said, “Lord Jesus, come to my heart” and Jesus heard my prayer and came into my heart. What a loving and merciful God He is!

So, I invite you to respond to His call. Just call His name and invite Him into Your heart. He is closer to you than you may ever think and know. Don’t look at yourself or where you’ve been and what you have done. Jesus died for all your sins. So, He doesn’t care about all those stuff. All He cares is about you, the person He has died for; He wants to let you taste a wonderful kind of life that He only can give. Invite Him into your life today. Tomorrow might be too late. Do it today. May God help you! ///