“Forgive and forget???????”
What sort of teaching is this?
Even the godly man, Joseph, didn’t forget what his brothers had done to him. He remembered every bit of it (Genesis 50).
Forget? Are you kidding? How can he forget that major chapter of his life? He can’t! For him to forget that, Joseph must be demented and lost all his memories to the point of forgetting even his God’s name.
The power of forgiveness is not found in forgetting the past but remembering it through the lenses of the-all-knowing sovereign God, a God who does His marvelous and mysterious work in us in the most unlikely moments of our lives, bringing beauty out of ashes, knowing that it is not what others do or say to us that determines our destiny but God. When we know this, we find it easy to forgive.
Yes, because Joseph didn’t forget the past, Jospeh always had a reason to love, adore and worship God who changed everything for the good of all, including all who hurt Joseph. ///