Happy! Happy! 🥳 🥳🥳🥳🥳 !

Yes, I am very happy, praise God!

On Wednesday, October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed on a hammer his Ninety-Five Theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany.

Luther didn’t know at the time that his 95-Theses would change the whole world as God used those theses to return His people back to the ABC’s of the Gospel, we now call “Protestant Reformation.”

I mean, how would Luther think that after 500+ years an Ethiopian woman, poor me, would benefit from his work! Amazing how God works!

Following the call of God, I too set out to do what I do today 10 years+ ago but I officially launched for the first time the Appeal for Purity’s Facebook page on Thursday, October 31, 2013, posting a short article.

The first comment that article received was “Stop!”
How would I stop the thing I haven’t started?

It’s been a very exciting, scary, challenging, treacherous, happy, sad and adventurous journey!

I thank God for Appeal for Purity. I thank God for all His grace and mercy He poured out on me and still is pouring so I will be able to do what I do today.

Oh! Where would I be today if it wasn’t for God’s mercy and grace!

Thank You, Father!

I also thank my husband who’s been walking with me through all the ups and downs! Yes, next to God, my Berhan was (still is) the right person to stand next to me and he did it happily (he still does to this day). May God bless him!

And I also thank my beautiful children, Abel and Honora Banko, Lydia Banko and Biruk Banko for praying for me. I usually send them a text message just before we produce a YouTube video so they pray for us. You have no idea the comfort I draw from these beautiful people! May God bless them all!

And thank you my beautiful families and friends for encouraging me and loving me through this tough but very interesting journey.

Thank you my Facebook/YouTube/appealforpurity.org friends/Subscribers. Yes, without you, I wouldn’t be here. Thank you for reading what I write and thank you for listening to my videos. That means the world to me. Thank you and may God bless you!

As long as God is gracious to give me His mercy and grace, I will continue doing what I always love to do, to “proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called” me “out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

The name “Jesus” is the only Name that is worthy of all my praise, worship, glory and honor! In Christ, I became the righteousness of God, me the chief sinner. What shall I say to Him then? What kind of glory, praise, worship and honor would be enough for Him!

But I know this very well: I haven’t known Him yet! He is too big to be fully known by me. So, I pray to God to teach and reveal to me His Son, His Mystery, Jesus Christ so I would know Him, continue to know Him and proclaim Him.

Happy Reformation Day!


Happy 8th Year Anniversary to Appeal for Purity🎉🎊🎈🎂 ///