Category Archives: Truth

Search for a Hidden Treasure

Praise God for another beautiful day, right?

I mean, think about it! If I am writing this and you are reading this, we can say that we are alive today, praise God!

Some of us may think that we are alive today because we stayed away from those high calorie and fatty foods and we stuck with vegetables and fruits. Some of us may think that we are still alive because we drive safe, we lock our doors tight, we live in “a war-free” zone area, and still some of us think that we are still alive because our laboratory test has been constantly perfect for the last 10 or 20 years. Continue reading Search for a Hidden Treasure

At Last!

One of my favorite theologians once said, “God has a real sense of humor,” and he chuckled.
I was not happy with that. I mean, God, having a sense of humor? It sounded to me as if he made God equal to himself, a mere human being. I was a bit upset with him but since I love his books and most of his messages, I quickly forgave him and moved to his next points.

Continue reading At Last!