You have no idea how I am falling in love with the Book of Galatians. It is a very short book but it is pregnant with countless truths of God. Continue reading Let Us Not Nullify→
A4P Guest: Yes! I went to a one prayer program and someone prophesied on me saying that I would get married this year. Continue reading At Birthday Parties→
The word of God is the spring of life. We drink it now. Guess what? We immediately get thirsty again. We drink it. We get even thirstier. Why? It is the spring of life! It is life and it gives us life too! Continue reading Only One Gospel→
If you want to know the doctrine of someone, all your have to do is this: Just listen to their prayers carefully.
For example, if they think that they have to hold on to their salvation tightly so that they would make it to the end, to heaven, they pray something like this:
Oh, God, help me to pray hard so I can hold on to You. Forgive me that I didn’t fast for 10 days last month as I always do every month. Help me to hold on to my salvation. Continue reading Our Doctrines→
The greatest privilege God has given to His people, at least for me, is prayer, a chance to talk to Him!
Just think about it!
When we pray, we get to talk to the Creator of the Universe. Do you know that? When we kneel down and pray saying, “Our Heavenly Father, Hallowed be Your name” (means, may Your name be honored or exalted), we are literally saying those words to God the Father. Continue reading The Greatest Privilege→
Listening to gospel songs and watching miracles on TV or YouTube cannot replace our daily personal devotional time, the time we spend with the Holy Spirit and the word of God, in studying the word and praying the word.
Anything that replaces our devotion is called our “god,” or, biblically it is called “idol.” Continue reading The Manna!→