While I was tossing and turning around to fall asleep yesterday night, all of a sudden I remember something.
I remember that I forgot to mention one piece of information in yesterday’s post. Yes, I wrote about my experience with alcohol but I forgot to mention that-that night was my very first and last experience with alcohol. From that night on, alcohol had never touched my mouth.
But is missing that piece of information going to change anything from the story? Does it change a thing about the fact that I was lost in the river of my sin? Not at all! Whether as an alcoholic or a person with one night experience with alcohol, I was lost and destined to go to hell. Continue reading All-or-None Principle→
A4P Guest: . . . . If a couple can’t be together to have sex because of immigration problem, why don’t they use Skype? Instead of burning from sexual desire and be tempted to . . . in this way they can protect each other . . . . When you do not know in what situation this couple is, how can you judge them for using Skype as their sexual outlet? Do you think they prefer to do it on Skype? I think the problem is this: We have hard time to understand others’ problem when we do not experience the problem ourselves . . .
A4P Guest: On one of your Tweets, you said, “We have to obey God first before we understand Him.” That is wrong. We have to understand God before we obey Him because if we understand Him, we find it easy to obey Him.
A4P: Hmm, if we could understand God before we give him our obedience, God would have been one of the science subjects we studied in colleges. Continue reading Understand Vs Believe→
Our little son is the one who usually comes up with a biblical question which makes our brains hurt.
“Is God fair?”
You may say, “Duh, God is always fair.” Well, if you say that, let me ask you this: If a plane crashes and a loving husband of one woman and a father of four little kids die but another loving husband of one woman and a father of two survived, is God fair for both families for the second family? Tricky! Tricky! Continue reading His Unchanging Love→
Satan always works hard to take away our love and devotion for Christ Jesus. And to do that, he targets one thing from our life and that is our sexuality. He uses anything to get us stumble in sexual sin so that we deny our Lord Jesus Christ by the way we live. Satan knows that there is no sin like sexual sin which has power to take away our “first love” from our heart and make us enemies of the Cross. Continue reading Our Sexuality→
While I was waiting in line for the cashier to pay for my items, I saw a beautiful chap-stick hanging on the side of the isle. I looked closer to see the flavor and I immediately realized that it was an orange flavor. I mean, I love orange and anything orange color steals my heart instantly.
Most of you by now know what my “nickname” used to be, don’t you?
Well, let me refresh your memory. My nickname used to be a moth. In Amharic, the direct translation is: “Dinner of Fire.” (By the way, this is one of the zillion nicknames I’ve earned for myself so far.)
After I learned the English name of “Dinner of Fire”, I began reading about moths. Let me share with you some of the things I learned. Continue reading Name Changed?→
“What is special about this girl that I keep on being drawn in to” was the question he raised to himself after he tried to call her for the third time in one day.
“Is she ignoring my call or is she not interested to talk to me?” He didn’t like the fact that he was on the other side of the equation, the one who was being ignored.
He said to himself, “Whatever! She’s a girl; she will call me back. Let me ignore her.” But the truth of the matter is, he noticed something in her that he hasn’t seen in any other girl. And he knew that she wouldn’t call him if he didn’t keep trying.
“Wow, she is very different” he said to himself. And he said, “Maybe I’m just exaggerating things. She is not that different from other girls.” But still there was that nagging curiosity which made him subject to stare at his phone for a long period of time, waiting to see her name popping up as her call came in. Continue reading When God Surprises the Prodigal Son With His Beautiful Gift→
We are who we are mostly because of our circle of friends we choose to hang out with.
Are they complacence? Are they indifferent for the Work and Kingdom of God? Are they nominal Christians? Do they have integrity issue? Chances are we are the exact copies of our friends. Continue reading Our Circle of Friends→