Category Archives: Truth

Meet him at the right spot!

I love to read the story of King David, including his one day adulterous affair he had with the married woman and the consequences of that fateful day (2 Samuel 11 & 12).

David got anointed by God; not so he would be famous and renowned king which he was but so that God’s name would be known and praised as King David wipes out the enemy of God’s people. The best thing about this truth is that, David knew it all along! Listen to this:

“And David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel and that his kingdom had been highly exalted for the sake of his people Israel.” (1 Chronicles 14:2) Continue reading Meet him at the right spot!

I want to read it for you

I sometimes ask people to read back to me what I write to know how the message sounds. And most of the time, as if I was a music composer, I feel like they are destroying the message by the way they read it. You see, even if written messages are not songs, they have a melody of their own.

And today I want to read you the message I just posted few hours ago so you can hear the message as well as the seemingly music and melody of the message.  ///

The Higher Truth

If you are hanging with me for sometimes, you sure know that I care about the outside weather. Yeah, I don’t appreciate the weather when it is gloomy, cloudy and snowy. No, no, no! I don’t want those things. I want bright, sunny and breathy weather. And, while living in Maryland, wanting and desiring to have that kind of weather is like wanting to live in a dreamland of Oz.

While I was thinking about the weather this morning, something captured my heart. You see, if I choose to stay tuned to the outside weather, like today, I hear a message of the weather that says, “Well, hands down! Today, you will have a miserable day since the sun is not out!” Continue reading The Higher Truth

The best and the most effective way – – –

As the Deer Pants

– – – to deal with the evil spirit when he strikes is by running to the True Shepherd of our soul, Jesus Christ; by seeking Him day and night as a deer pants, desires and seeks for the water! (Psalm 42:1; James 4:8)

After all, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! He is the Bread of Life! (John 14:6a, John 6:35 & 48) Without Him, there is no eternal life because He said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6b ///

Pictures and videos going viral

Something is burning in my heart right now and I want to share it with you all.

I’m sure you all know by now that ISIS is slaughtering innocent human beings in the name of religion. And they record all their inhuman actions and post it on powerful social media such as Facebook and YouTube.

Do you think we need to write our comments on those pictures and videos? Do you know when we write our comments and share those posts; we help ISIS fulfill its agendas?

Do you know leaving a comment on a social media post introduces the post, the media, to hundreds and thousands of people? That is how social media work. Continue reading Pictures and videos going viral

A Role of a Father from a Family – – – A Generation

When our daughter was a little girl, like three or four years old, the most exciting day for her used to be the day I made her hair differently. She looks at herself in the mirror, admiring her beauty she asks: “Do you think my dad will recognize me?” I always respond, “I doubt it.”

She waits for him as if nobody’s business. Every now and then, she looks out of the window to see if her dad is back from work. So, I usually call my husband and give him heads up. So, he comes home and says, “Where is my daughter? And, who is this cute girl here?” Continue reading A Role of a Father from a Family – – – A Generation

Give thanks to the LORD

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good.
His love endures forever.
(Psalm 136:1)

Wow! Yes God is good and His love endures forever!

Here we’re given another new day, another opportunity, to give all praises, glories and honors to Him alone.

So beloved, let’s gather together in the house of the LORD with our friends and families to give thanks to Him alone. ///

Groundhog’s Day!

I know Groundhog’s Day was yesterday but hey, who said that we can’t talk about it today on February 3rd?

Well, I did think about it yesterday but I quickly forgot because only one newscaster talked about it on the news.

Groundhog’s Day is a day of celebration where groundhog comes out of its burrow (hole) and looks for its shadow. If it is sunny and groundhog sees its shadow, it retreats back to its hole knowing that winter is going to stay longer at least for another six weeks. If the weather is cloudy and the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, it will come out of its hole and enjoy itself; because it knows that spring is around the corner (remember the light groundhog is looking for is a  light which creates no shadow.) Continue reading Groundhog’s Day!