Category Archives: Truth

A Quick Reply to a Comment Regarding my Book

A4P Guest: Why do we need another book to read other than the Bible? Are you saying that this book is a replacement to the Bible? Is this book for those who are in sexual addiction? Anyone who has a sexual problem can find healing through the Word of God, the Bible. If they pray hard, we have a God who hears and answers our prayers; He will answer their prayers and heal them. The Name of Jesus breaks all spiritual bondage. We don’t need another book other than the Bible. Why are you asking others to buy your book? Why don’t you encourage them to buy the Bible and read it cover to cover so that the Word of God will break their bondage?” Continue reading A Quick Reply to a Comment Regarding my Book

A Simple Complement Goes a Long Way

I always get up early in the morning and do my devotion and everything. Then I go to shower and dress up and style my hair. It doesn’t really matter whether I have somewhere to go or not; this is my unchanging morning routine. This is actually something I learned from my mom. I am very grateful for it! And guess who appreciates this the most? My husband!

So, in the morning, by the time I finish getting ready, my husband will go out to go to work. I love to go out with him to his car and bless him and his day and I cover his car with the blood of Jesus. Then I just stand outside until his car disappears from my eyes. What do I do? Well, I pray for him; for God to go before him; for God to destroy his enemies before they come closer to him. I can’t tell you how I enjoy those moments. Continue reading A Simple Complement Goes a Long Way

“I get very exhausting in the evening”

A4P Guest: My husband sleeps late at night and wakes up late in the morning. I, on the other hand, get up early in the morning and start taking care of our two little kids (one and two year old toddlers). I asked him to get up in the morning to help me with the kids. But he doesn’t seem to get it. Now our number one problem becomes our sexual life. I get very exhausted in the evening and he is very energetic at that time. I don’t have any energy left in the evening and he always complains about that. I told him several times that he has to help me in the morning for him to get sex in the evening. What should I do?

A4P: I smiled when I read your question because these days I don’t know any man who wakes up early in the morning, except my dad. Continue reading “I get very exhausting in the evening”

Sometimes Tough to Go to Church

If I say, “I always want to go to church on Sundays” I will be a big liar because I don’t. Sometimes I wake up from my sleep and say, “Oh, good! It is Sunday! I don’t need to do anything. And if I miss one Sunday, God won’t zap and kill me.”

But I have a husband who doesn’t seem to have “a bad Sunday!” Seriously! I sometimes feel like he came from a different galaxy (not like a different planet but galaxy). Continue reading Sometimes Tough to Go to Church

Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction

A4P Guest: Hi, I’m a born again Christian man. I was born and raised in a Christian home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I left Addis at the age of 14. I am now 28 years old. I love my mom and my two older brothers to death. My dad walked out of our life when I was six years old. I have no love or care for him since he used to physically abuse my mom, my two brothers and I. I am the youngest. At the age of eight, I was sexually molested by two men who used to live next to our house. At the time, I didn’t know what was going on and didn’t know what to do with it. I still have nightmares once in a while and I cry like a little boy. I have never told this part of my story to anyone. Those two men might be out there now and I pray they don’t do such a thing to any other little boys. I don’t know if this part of my story has anything to do with what I’m going through since I was 13. I have never been attracted to a girl but a man. I have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was fourteen years old. My tendency to be sexually attracted to men didn’t leave me alone even after I received Jesus Christ. Because I fear someone may find out what is going on in my mind and heart, I don’t usually go to a Bible study or a small group gathering of any sort. I now go to one American’s mega church here in my city and that is it. I know I don’t want to be a homosexual and I am not a homosexual. About a couple years ago, I searched online and joined a group of people who have similar stories like mine and I kind of felt relieved for a short period of time but I couldn’t embrace it as they advised me to embrace my same-sex attraction struggle as my identity. I want to do life as the Word of God says. Deep in my heart, I know that I’m a heterosexual and I want to declare that but I have this deep seated struggle which doesn’t seem to leave me alone. I still get attracted to men, not women. I prayed and prayed and prayed. Nothing seems to work. Right now, with all the animosity going around with the Supreme Court decision to redefine marriage, I totally lost interest to go to church. I don’t want to hear anyone making jokes about my struggle. Now, here I’m in my small one bedroom apartment, reading almost all your posts, I sobbed! I want to die! I want to end it right here. I want this struggle to stop! You see, I want to live a happy life. I want to marry one woman and have kids but this struggle is with me. I’m not sure what my future holds. Missy, does God really care about my struggle? Does He really know what I am going through? When am I going to rest from this struggle or will this struggle ever leave me?

Continue reading Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction


All these things which are unfolding before our eyes are, in part, results of fatherless homes. Take note if you are a father.

The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). It says, “IN THE WAY!”

You can’t create a way and train up your son in your creative ways and expect him to turn out to be a good citizen or a leader. The Bible doesn’t say, “Train up a child in a way” but in “THE WAY!”

THE WAY has already been set, never to be changed, defined or redefined!

Jesus said, “I’m THE WAY and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6)

While it is still “DAY TIME,” train up your son in THE WAY! Because the NIGHT is soon falling!

Woe to you if you abandon your son to himself and the society because your own son comes back to you as your enemy in the night and bit you!

If you yourself grew up in a fatherless home, you are not alone. The good news is, now you have THE FATHER in Christ. So, learn how to be a father and a man from Him and from those who are trained up by Him for a long period of time. Then be a father to your son! ///

The US Supreme Court Redefined Marriage in all 50 States

A4P Guest: Did you hear the news yesterday about the US Supreme Court Decision about marriage?

A4P: Yes, I did!

A4P Guest: Can you say something about it?

A4P: I am not sure what you are asking me. Are you asking me whether I am for or against the decision?

A4P Guest: I know you only believe in a marriage between one man and one woman. No, that is not what I’m asking you. I’m just asking what your take is on the issue, like the implication the Supreme Court decision has on us, Christians. Continue reading The US Supreme Court Redefined Marriage in all 50 States

The Unquenchable Desire to be Complimented by Others

I didn’t pay any extra attention to my outfit or hair. I went out to run some errands. Then a woman complimented my pair of slippers. I said, “Thank you!”

The thing is, I didn’t pay that much attention to my shiny slippers lately but oh, well, somebody did. Within few minutes, a guy said, “Beautiful hair color.” I said to myself, “My hair color? What color is that? Last time I checked, my hair has no one definite color!” But who cares? Somebody liked it. So, I turned around and said, “Thank you! That is very nice of you!”

And when the third person gave me a nice compliment about my summer outfit, a worn out pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I said, “Okay, hands down. I look good! These people are not crazy for saying the same thing!” And I felt like the whole world was a wonderful place to live in; and I kind of wanted to go around and give a squishy hug to everyone. Continue reading The Unquenchable Desire to be Complimented by Others