Category Archives: Singles
One Feature of True Love
I love the way Jesus was calling people to follow Him.
He calls them; they will come and follow Him. If they choose not to follow Him, He lets them go because True Love and force or manipulation doesn’t go together.
One day, when Jesus told to all His followers the Truth as it was, He lost most of them (John 6). They just turned around 180 degrees and said “adios” and left. Continue reading One Feature of True Love
Is It A Sin – – –
This is the kind of question I frequently receive from young people: Is it a sin to go to a vacation with my girlfriend? Of course we don’t do sex?
The question itself makes me cringe a bit because it sounds like this: “What kind of sin can God tolerate?” or “Which sin can I do without severing my fellowship with the Holy Spirit?”
Of course kissing is the number one topic most people ask to know “how far is too far”. “Is French kissing a sin?” Or, “Is kissing more than three and half second a sin?” Continue reading Is It A Sin – – –
Marry Your Best Friend
If you are single, or even in the final stages getting ready to marry, take this one piece of advice from me: marry your best friend and you will never regret it. Continue reading Marry Your Best Friend
Wait On Him
Better to be Single
It is wonderful to see couples tying the knot to be one, never to be two.
As a married person and a teacher in the area of sexual purity, I can’t tell you how I rejoice whenever I see a wedding.
Yes, the Bible says that marriage protects us from being soaked in sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7). What a joy then to see someone escaping such a “ruthless tyrant,” sexual immorality!
A Woman Who Is An Angel
So true, isn’t it? Continue reading A Woman Who Is An Angel
How To Deal With A Shy Man
A4P Guest: I am 25 years old and one of the more active members in our church. I am involved at least in two ministries and I think I consider my Christian walk with Christ good and healthy.
A4P: Good. So, what is your question for me?
A4P Guest: Okay, so, there is this guy in my church. He too serves in the church and we usually work together. I am very much attracted to him and I think, he is attracted to me. The problem is, I think, he is shy. I mean, what do you do with shy men? Continue reading How To Deal With A Shy Man