Category Archives: Singles

 A Man After God’s Own Heart

(True Story of a Young Man I met)

It was summer but the church I was invited to speak was in Europe and their summer was not as hot as here in DC. I enjoyed it but truth to be told, I was very thankful for the DC summer.

I didn’t know anyone in that church. Almost everybody in the congregation was seeing me for the very first time. I couldn’t even find one person who knew me of course except the people who invited me to speak.

I was very thankful that their leaders didn’t ask me question like “what is your topic for today?” That is just not a good question for me especially after knowing about my ministry. Without detail introduction, the minster gave me the mic and I stood behind the pulpit. Continue reading  A Man After God’s Own Heart

Satan Hates Sex

That sounds paradoxical, doesn’t it?  But, it is not paradoxical. Satan doesn’t like anything or anybody that becomes a reason to bring glory to God and His Truth. And that is exactly what sex is.

Buckle your seat belt and continue reading.

Does sex bring glory to God?  Yes, it does.

Sex is the only “one” possible way two people, one woman and one man, can become one. God created Adam and saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone (Genesis 2:18). So God took Eve out of Adam, “fashioned” her and gave her to Adam as “a suitable helper”. Because she was taken from Adam (from one of his bones), the Bible says:  “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) Continue reading Satan Hates Sex

Worth Noting

When a man desires a woman for his sexual fantasy, he doesn’t desire her for marriage. After he plays with her body, he categorizes her into his “not a marriage material” list.

Amazingly enough some women understand this fact the other way around. After they give their body, they think that the man is theirs to keep. It doesn’t work that way. Beloved, don’t let the movies fool you. Men love and RESPECT a woman who respects herself enough never to let anyone touch her body until marriage. ///

(As part of the Appeal for Purity’s two year anniversary celebration, which is going to be on Oct. 31, I will re-post some of my previous short and long posts. By doing that, those who are new to this page will get a chance to read it. The above note was originally posted on January 14, 2014.)

The Two Most Pivotal Moments Of My Teen Years

One of the two most pivotal moments of my teen years occurred when I was in elementary school. I was twelve years old. In the middle of our recess time, one of my friends who was a boy, came running towards me, away from his friends. He wanted to show it to me but one of his friends was fighting to take it from him. I didn’t know what the magazine was all about but I wanted to see it. So, I joined the fight to get the magazine and I took it from his hand and randomly flipped the pages.

I remember even the spot; the day, the time and the weather as if it was yesterday. I remember being frozen; not only me but I thought for a second the whole world had also stopped moving, PAUSED for a second. Continue reading The Two Most Pivotal Moments Of My Teen Years

The Boundary Line

God created sex only in the context of marriage. The boundary line of beautiful, healthy, fulfilling and satisfying sex is called marriage. Outside the blessed union of one man and one woman, sex is a wildfire.

“Can a man scoop fire into his lap
without his clothes being burned?
Can a man walk on hot coals
without his feet being scorched?
So is he who sleeps with another man’s wife;
no one who touches her will go unpunished.” (Proverbs 6:27-29) Continue reading The Boundary Line

“I Dated My Girl Online for Three Years Now”

A4P Guest: I lived outside of Ethiopia since 2000. Last time I went back home was in 2011. I met this amazing girl at that time and fell in love with her instantly. We couldn’t spend much time together since I had to come back in short period of time. Before I went for vacation, I told my friends that I was going to meet my future wife and told them that I wouldn’t touch her except shaking her hands and that was exactly what I did. It’s been more than three years now and we are still together. We are actually more in love now than back then. I’m planning to bring her down here anytime soon. My eyes are dying to see her. I missed her so much. My question is when she arrives here, she only has me. I don’t want to sin against God and I’m a bit worried. I don’t even know if I can kiss her before we get married. I’ve already made my mind to propose to her. I just want to know if we can start kissing after I propose to her. What do you think about that? Continue reading “I Dated My Girl Online for Three Years Now”

“What’s wrong with me?”

A4P Guest: “I’m a 22 year-old girl. I’ve been seeing this nice guy, 24 years old, for a couple years now. He is very serious about his faith in Christ (which I love the most). He is solid on his stand about sexual purity and what marriage should be. He loves me and cares about me. But these days, I feel like he doesn’t care about me but about himself and his goals. He is a very hard-worker, loves education and serves in his church. But he is not that passionate about me anymore. He used to at the beginning of our relationship but not anymore. He is just too busy with other things. I don’t even know how I can decide to marry him. I’m tired of being in a relationship but not being happy. What’s wrong with me?”

A4P: (Thank you for giving me permission to post our conversation on this page. Bless you!) Continue reading “What’s wrong with me?”

It just Turns a Woman Off…

After my Berhan and I met for the first time, we didn’t start dating right away. I was busy with my school work and didn’t have time for other stuff. So, I was only willing to talk to him over the phone. I always had exams to worry about and didn’t accept his “Can I take you out for a cup of tea” requests for more than six months. What were we talking about on the phone then? Well, I used to tell him about my future plan, what I would like to be and most importantly I used to tell him what kind of man I might be interested in to marry. Mind you, I was 17. Continue reading It just Turns a Woman Off…