Category Archives: Singles
Do Opposites Really Attract?
50 Shades of Grace???
One Pretty Picture!
“May the Lord forgive you for saying that”
A4P Guest: I’m 25 years old. I came to Christ when I was 13. Since then, I have been in the house of God. I’ve never had a relationship with a woman. And knowing that it is a right season for me to look for a wife, I began praying about it. And amazingly enough, while I was in the middle of a two week program just to pray and fast before God for a wife, I began thinking about this one particular girl I know in my church. That weekend, I went to church and a man of God who is a prophet called me and prophesied saying, “The woman you are thinking about is your wife.” So, I accepted that and prayed about it and went to the woman and told her. She said she would pray about it and yesterday she called me and said that she didn’t think I am the one she wants to marry. I told her that she shouldn’t sin against God by refusing to listen to what the man of God said. I don’t know why she said that, maybe because she is not that strong in the Lord. How can I convince her and help her to grow spiritually?
“My Wife is Stubborn Beyond Measure”
A4P Guest: I’m 37 years old. I got married a couple years ago. My wife is pretty and has lots of good qualities such as she is a very hard worker, she keeps her home in order and she goes to school part-time and she always gets good grades; but she has this problem: She is very stubborn. If she says something, I have to agree with her or take a hike. She doesn’t change her mind whether the issue is a minor or a major one. Early on in our marriage, it didn’t bother me that much but now, the baby being on the way; it is bothering me a lot. Missy, we are pretty much fighting and arguing about everything. She made my life very difficult. What should I do?
A4P: Was she stubborn when you guys were dating?
A4P Guest: Yes, she was. Even for our wedding ceremony, she was the only one who decided where to do the wedding, who to invite and not to invite. I had no say in anything. It is just impossible to make her change her mind. Missy, my wife’s stubborn beyond measure.
A4P: So, it is not something that all of a sudden appeared in your marriage after two years of marriage, am I right?
A4P Guest: Correct.