Category Archives: Singles
“There Are No Men Like That”
When a testosterone rush bombards a young man’s brain, he can’t think logically. He has no way of controlling his urges, and his brain will be taken over by the notoriously hard-to-resist hormones.
However these same hormones can be channeled, harnessed, and bridled by the renewed mind of a young man. (NOTICE the difference between mind and brain here.) Continue reading “There Are No Men Like That”
You’re Thirsty Doesn’t Mean
You Rather Be Single For Life
It is wonderful to see couples tying the knot to be one, never to be two.
As a married person and a teacher in the area of sexual purity, I can’t tell you how I rejoice whenever I see a wedding.
Yes, the Bible says that marriage protects us from being soaked in sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7). What a joy then to see someone escaping such a “ruthless tyrant” as sexual immorality! Continue reading You Rather Be Single For Life
“Am I to Confront Them Openly”
A4P Guest: I’m a 26 year old girl. I used to live in Texas but a year ago, I moved to the DMV area so I can be close to my families. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that I need to lead a “set-apart” (holy) life for the glory of Jesus Christ, by walking according to His Word and to eventually draw others to His light. As a body of Christ, we are called to live holy as Jesus lived which means set apart, not conforming to the patterns of this world. After I came to the DMV area, I have made new Ethiopian friends who go to church, sing worship songs to God, raise their hands, cry unto God, etc. Continue reading “Am I to Confront Them Openly”
They Are Called Good Intentions
“The first thing I require of a person I’m planning to date and marry is for him to be a believer in Christ.
“I want to save myself for marriage.” Continue reading They Are Called Good Intentions
Blessing Or Curse of Being a Pastor’s Kid
I literally can’t get enough of this beautiful and young couple’s story: Ryan and Amanda. Continue reading Blessing Or Curse of Being a Pastor’s Kid
He proposed and asked her – – –
Look For A Woman, Not An Angle
The truth goes both ways though: Continue reading Look For A Woman, Not An Angle
“Is Oral Sex Allowed?”
A4P Guest: Is oral sex allowed?
A4P: What do you mean?
A4P Guest: I thought my question was clear.