“The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18
Category Archives: Singles
To Get Rid of Loneliness
Adam had never been with any other human being when God said, “It is not good for a man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) Adam was the only human being there was, the one and only one!
Adam didn’t feel lonely because he was living in the perfect presence of God. He was moving around and doing life at the presence of God. But God said, “It is not good for a man to be alone.” Continue reading To Get Rid of Loneliness
Sex Before Marriage
Some young Christians still think that sex before marriage is the story of old.
I personally don’t blame most of these people because they only know this: “Sex before marriage is a sin. Do not do it!”
Okay, for a 21 year old people, this statement actually says, “Go ahead and have sex because it is fun!” Duh!
What they need to know is, “Why sex before marriage is a sin.” Continue reading Sex Before Marriage
Save You From The Ways Of Wicked Men
It seems like these days the word “engaged” has a different meaning, have you noticed that? Continue reading Save You From The Ways Of Wicked Men
Better to Be Single
I Have to Get Married This Year!
Are you desperate to get married? Does the thought of getting married consume you? Do you find yourself browsing through social media to see if someone is interested in you? Continue reading I Have to Get Married This Year!
I Don’t Need Google!
“In the Midst A Pious Community”
Our Sexuality Is Not a Separate Entity
We usually tend to separate our sexuality from our core nature because we think and believe that our sexuality is a completely separate entity that we carry with ourselves.
But the truth is, our sexuality is not a separate entity but the integral part of who we really are. We all are sexual beings and our sexuality is the center of our humanity, a pillar on which every part of who we are is woven into and built on. Continue reading Our Sexuality Is Not a Separate Entity
“What’s Wrong with Relaxing?”
A4P Guest: Is watching a movie a sin?
A4P: It is always good to ask yourself, “What do I get out of this movie?” before you decide to watch one. Will the movie bring you close to Jesus or away from Him?
A4P Guest: What’s wrong with relaxing and enjoying myself while watching a movie? I don’t think God is against that, is He? Continue reading “What’s Wrong with Relaxing?”