Category Archives: single

The Denver Program Detail


For those of you who are planning to come to the Denver program I’m going to have this weekend, here is the flyer the church has prepared.

If you have a teenager, please send them over for the Saturday whole day program. We are going out of the city for the whole day! It is going to be a fun time!

If you are married, don’t miss the Sunday afternoon program. Your marriage won’t be the same again because I saw it many times for me to conclude that God loves to invite Himself in all marriage conferences. He will touch you and your marriage. ///

The best and the most effective way – – –

As the Deer Pants

– – – to deal with the evil spirit when he strikes is by running to the True Shepherd of our soul, Jesus Christ; by seeking Him day and night as a deer pants, desires and seeks for the water! (Psalm 42:1; James 4:8)

After all, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! He is the Bread of Life! (John 14:6a, John 6:35 & 48) Without Him, there is no eternal life because He said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6b ///

How can I share my secret with others?

A4P Guest: May the Lord bless you for what you’re doing!

A4P: Amen! Thank you for your kind remarks!

A4P Guest: Can I ask you a question?

A4P: Sure, you can.

A4P Guest: Why do women act like crazy?

A4P: What do you mean?

A4P Guest: I mean, why do women’s moods change frequently like crazy?

A4P: You know, for you guys, it may seem we women are crazy but we don’t usually see our craziness as you men do. Continue reading How can I share my secret with others?

Oh, Tell Her Until She Hears You

Lying down on her back, she looked through the window which was next to the bed. She kept on thinking if her decision to have sex before marriage was right. She wanted to give lots of good reasons to quieten her soul but none of those reasons were good enough.

She quietly said, “I wish I was living with my family.” She didn’t know how that could have saved her from her decision.

It’s been almost three years since she moved out of her parents’ house. She now lives four hours’ away from home. She tries to keep in touch with her family over the phone. Last time when she talked to her mom, she told her about the man she was seeing. After her mom heard her talk about him for almost half an hour, she said, “Precious, I hope you won’t forget what you promised.” Continue reading Oh, Tell Her Until She Hears You

Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate Easter today!

He Has Risen 2

Happy Easter to all of you from us, Appeal for Purity Ministry!

What a day to go to church!

Yes, Jesus is risen! He is the reason for the season! He is the reason for us to be here today!

Oh, Jesus is the reason for me personally to be alive today and write this! Because of Jesus Christ, I live, move and have my being! (Acts 17:28) May all the glory, praise, honor, power, worship be to our risen Lord, Jesus Christ! ///

“Love is not an emotion”

On March 24, there was one tweet that annoyed some people a bit. The tweet goes like this: #Love is not an emotion; it is a #decision and a #commitment.

Well, first, let’s define what emotion is. Emotion is defined as any of the feelings of joy, sorrow, fear, hate, love, etc.

So, if we say, “Love is an emotion,” we pretty much are saying love is nothing but a feeling. Feeling is something we all experience as we go through life. We sometimes feel fearful and another time, we feel like we can conquer the whole world. Sometimes we feel like we have good feeling towards someone, and another time, we feel like we don’t have any feeling for them and we don’t even stand their presence for a second.

Can we then consider that experience of feeling high and low as love? Continue reading “Love is not an emotion”

“I believe sex is a necessity”

A4P Guest: “I’m confused. I read some of your posts where you talked about how important marital sexual intimacy is and how married couples have to make sure that they make love as often as they can. I also heard on one of your messages you uploaded on the A4P YouTube channel where you said, “Sexless marriages are dangerous marriages.” Now in your latest post, you said, “Sex is not a necessity.” Am I missing something or did you make a mistake? I always notice how an important role sex plays in the health of my own marriage. And I don’t know if my marriage survives without sex. I believe sex is a necessity.”

A4P: Well, the Bible says, “We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.” (James 3:2) Continue reading “I believe sex is a necessity”

New York from April 10 to 12!

Facebook-ad_NewYork April 2015

God opened yet another door for me and the Appeal for Purity Ministry to go and minister! Where? At the Emmanuel Worship Center in Bronx, New York from April 10 to 12.

I can’t tell you how excited I’m! Praise be to His Holy Name!

Within these three days, from April 10 to 12, I’m going to minister to teens, singles, married couples and to the whole Sunday morning congregation. Don’t miss it!

So, if you are in New York, mark your calendar to be there and worship God with us! If you are not going to be in the New York area but know people who are, invite them over on our behalf.

Blessings! ///