Category Archives: Sexual Purity
What are husbands’ privileges?
Find some of these privileges from the following three scenarios.
1. Boyfriend: “Let’s go for dinner? May I pick you up?
Girlfriend: “Now? It is 10pm. Instead, let’s meet up tomorrow morning for breakfast or lunch.”
Not a Curse But a Blessing
After Adam and Eve sinned against God, God cursed them. Here is the last part of the curse God put on the woman.
To the woman God said, “- – – Your desire will be for your husband – – -.” Genesis 3:16
Hmm . . . what does that sound like? Is she cursed to sexually desire her husband?
The Sheep With No Identity…
If we say God is our Shepherd, we can safely say that we are His sheep. If He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep, we can again safely say that He is the One who leads our path. (Psalm 23)
And, as sheep of Christ, can we suggest to our Shepherd “a pasture” He needs to lead us to? Oh, no, we can’t. Have you ever heard a sheep saying to its shepherd, “I don’t think this pasture is a good one for me. I know a better one down there”? Continue reading The Sheep With No Identity…
In His Heart
To Wives: Be a Helper, Not An Enabler!
“An enabler is a person who deals with the negative effects of an addict’s behavior by shielding them from the consequences of their behavior. Not dealing with or learning from the negative behaviors can cause addicts to continue their behavior unchecked and possibly worsen their conditions over time.” from Psychology Glossary
Is Love Stupid?
Or, does “love” make some people stupid?
I am not really sure.
Listen to this:
So, a girl comes up to you and tells you about the person she is planning to marry. You ask her lots of questions to learn about the man. Then from what she tells you, you say:
Am I Blessed or What?
You know, when something good happens to me, I always look up and say, “Abba, is that You? Is this from You?” Continue reading Am I Blessed or What?
Hard to Put Him Down!
It is hard to put a good man down. Do you know why?
Well, for one, he is too good to go down, not that he refuses to go down but even “the down” cannot carry him. So it will quickly throw him up.
Owe No Man Anything But Love!
When we owe others nothing but love, we will be declared innocent.
Answers to Some of Your Questions
- “Do you celebrate Halloween in your home?”