Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Advice to Singles
Who is mentoring you?
Who is your role model?
Whose lifestyle are you trying to emulate?
If you are one of those “super-born-again Christians” or “hyper-born-again Christians,” you may answer the above questions like this: Continue reading Advice to Singles
Appropriate for Women
Few days ago, I raised the topic of appropriate adornment for a follower of Jesus Christ, mainly for women.
I wrote on this page and discussed the topic on a video clip that I uploaded on the Appeal for Purity YouTube channel and I heard from many of you who have commented on that. Continue reading Appropriate for Women
“Are You Interested for an Affair?”
I just came back from the nearby mall. Don’t you love to go to the mall? I do! I sometimes go there just to walk and do window shopping. I am sure many of you women are like me. If not, you are lucky and if you are married, your husband is blessed to have you for you save lots of money.
Anyways, as I left the mall and walked to my car, a guy walked into the mall. Continue reading “Are You Interested for an Affair?”
Mob Mentality
The Most Depressing Chapter of the Bible
“Not With Elaborate Hairstyles”
A4P Guest: Can you please teach women how to dress modestly?
A4P: Sure I will but why did you ask me to do that? Continue reading “Not With Elaborate Hairstyles”
Happy Ethiopian Easter!
Winning Mega Millions Jackpot
A4P Guest: I am 34 years old woman. I was married but now I am divorced. The thing is, I was very immature back then. So, for a very silly and childish reason, I filed for divorce and next thing I know, I became a divorcee for the last three years. For the last couple of years, I have been reading marriage books written by spiritual authors and learning what marriage is and what my call is as a woman (wife). Now I am praying for God to give me back my ex-husband. Do you think that is a sinful prayer? Continue reading Winning Mega Millions Jackpot
From Addis Ababa to Maryland!
Praise the LORD!
You have no idea how much I miss my home whenever I am away! Why my home? Because that is where the man I am deeply in love with, my best friend, my Berhan, lives in it. And my lovely and funny kids live in it too. So, I am always excited to come home whenever I travel. Continue reading From Addis Ababa to Maryland!