Category Archives: Sexual Purity


I can’t erase this scene from my mind of Dr. Abiy Ahmed (the Prime Minister of Ethiopia), bidding farewell yesterday to the late General Seare Mekonnen.
If I were Dr. Abiy’s sister, what would I say to him sitting next to him during this time?

Continue reading Aha!

A One-Day Deal!

How many ministers, Gospel singers, pastors, choir and sole singers and in general Christians, followers of Jesus Christ have to go through divorce before a single Christian person, who is preparing to get married, stops and asks:
“What went wrong with the marriages of these people? What can I learn from their mistakes? I have to know their reasons because “I am no better than my ancestors,” I may end up doing the same thing.”

Continue reading A One-Day Deal!

We Wives Need To – – –

I was outside the whole day and I came home being emotionally, physically and mentally totally drained. I tried to finish something and I was not successful. I had a conversation with someone and it didn’t go well. Somebody got on my last nerve and I tried to get even and I lost the fight, big time. My “Things to Do List” was not even touched by the time the sun went back to her home.

Peace? Are you serious? I didn’t even know how to spell it let alone to have it in my heart! Joy? Forget it! Do I need to say I was mean-spirited and sensitive even to be looked at? Nah! Continue reading We Wives Need To – – –