I consider myself totally blessed by God when I teach young couples about marriage. Oh, my! I feel so grateful and thankful for getting a chance to invest in the lives of young couples.
Now I am in the process of giving premarital counseling to a beautiful “soon to be married” young couple and the topic for today was finance and how to peacefully live with in-laws. Continue reading Money As Number One Cause→
Before I say anything, let me remind you all something. So, I don’t know how many of you read the mission statement of the Appeal for Purity (A4P) on the Appeal for Purity website. If you haven’t, make sure you do that: www.appealforpurity.org. Continue reading We Implore You→
A4P Guest: I am very stressed to the point of thinking of leaving my husband.
A4P: Wow! Leaving your husband? That is not good. What is going on?
A4P Guest: I hope you understand me. So, my husband and I have three boys. I work day and night to give to my boys a better life. My husband, on the other hand, doesn’t do a thing.
In the picture I am sharing with you, it is me, Missy, and my older son, Abel! I think he was like two or three months old at a time (almost 21 years ago).
Spiritual blindness is the common ailment that is seen in Christians today. We all are vulnerable to have this blindness unless we know how to run away from it. Continue reading The Eyes Of Your Heart→
A4P Guest: I am 28 years old and I am seeing a gentle man, 32. I met him through one of my coworkers. Both of us are born again Christians. Before and after we came to Christ, we both did stupid mistakes and I think we both learned from our mistakes. Now we decided to get married before this year ends. My question for you is this: I know, probably nobody have asked you this question before, but let me ask it anyways. So, I feel like everything is too good to be true and I feel nervous. I don’t know why. Do you think this is normal?
One of the books I am reading these days is, “The Cost of Discipleship,” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
I know, I was supposed to read and finish this book long time ago because any disciple of Jesus Christ, especially the one who is involved in a ministry, should read this book first before he/she touches any other book.