Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Praying in One Room, ALONE???

Please read this passage carefully:
“3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. . . 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. . . 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, – – – 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5: 3, 10, 11, 15, 17

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The Day He Marries You

A4P Guest: My fiance and I are going to get married at the end of this year. I am very excited but there is something that is bothering me.

A4P: Congratulations! Wow! It must be exciting! Okay, let’s hear what is bothering you.

A4P Guest: You know, when I shared this issue with some people, they thought that my issue is so minor that I shouldn’t even worry about it. I don’t know if you read one wonderful book called “The Five Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman.

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