Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day to you all who live in the US. 

For those who live outside the US, happy Monday! 

Whenever I think of Labor Day, this is the verse that always comes to my mind: 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23

Thinking and meditating on this verse makes our work day much easier, working with all our hearts as though our Boss is Jesus Christ Himself! 

Yes, I often think this verse whenever I get tired or get tempted to be a slacker. I spur up my spirit with this verse and get to work with all my heart. 

Happy Labor Day! ///

“I am not mean”

The most life threatening environment for a man to live in is a house where the presence of a mean-spirited wife is felt everywhere.

First, he fights to win; then he quickly understands that he has little or zero chance to win. So, he totally withdraws (tends to watch soccer or football a lot or becomes a politician and/or a philosopher). Then he checks himself out from his kids’ life and at last he desires only one thing, to die. Continue reading “I am not mean”

From Neck Up

This week, on Wednesday night, I had one virtual meeting with the board members of a non-profit clinic, called  Wholistic Health Services, that is located here in Virginia (4395 Little River TurnPike, phone number: 571-282-3636). This non-profit clinic serves Ethiopians and Eritreans who have no health insurance and/or have low income.   Continue reading From Neck Up


“The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18

A suitable helper or “a helpmate” in the Hebrew word is Ezer Kenegdo and guess what that translates in to: A LIFESAVER.
No wonder divorced men die quicker than the men who stayed in their marriages. Remarriage doesn’t change the life expectancy of a divorced man. The only thing that is better for a man to do in this life is, first, to find a woman to marry, and second, decide to live with her until he dies.

Continue reading A LIFESAVER

Adam Knew His Wife

They say, “Men love sex and that is where it starts and ends for them.”

I know, I once thought that too. Some researchers didn’t want to waste their time either when they agree with that and say it is “self-explanatory” as if that was the definition of being a man.

So, since his puberty, a man is beaten up with a message such as this one: “You are here on this planet for one thing only: To have sex. All you need in life is sex. If you don’t get that, you are going to be less of a man. So, do whatever you can to keep your manhood.” Continue reading Adam Knew His Wife