Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Food For the Thought
“True freedom is not freedom from responsibility to God and others in order to live for ourselves, but [freedom] from ourselves in order to live for God and others ” ~ John Sttot
“Whatever makes you most happy is your god.” ~ John Piper Continue reading Food For the Thought
Going With the Tide
There is no Christianity by going with the tide.
Another name for a Christian is “holy,” means, different, set apart from the world for the sole purpose of proclaiming/declaring the goodness and glory of God, the God who called us out of darkness into His wonderful and marvelous light. Continue reading Going With the Tide
Happy 6th Anniversary to A4P!
Wow! Time flies!
Thursday, October 31, 2019 will be Appeal for Purity’s 6th anniversary!
Happy 6th Anniversary to Appeal for Purity!
My! My! My! Continue reading Happy 6th Anniversary to A4P!
“Sorry For The Mess”
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!
“In His Right Mind”
I am going to share with you today a very short word but before I do that, let me share with you one passage of the Bible. From this passage, I am only interested in the last part of verse 35b: Continue reading “In His Right Mind”
He’s Not Done With You
“Please Don’t Tell Your Husband”
The word of God talks about two houses, one built on sand and the other one built on the rock (Matthew 7:24-27).
Those two houses was hit with the same rain and wind that beat against those two houses. The Bible tells us, the first house “did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Verse 25b But the second house “fell with a great crash.” Verse 27b
So, we ask, what is sand and what is rock? Continue reading “Please Don’t Tell Your Husband”
“My Husband Doesn’t Know”
A4P Guest: I am married and have two little kids, 4 and 6 year olds. A couple years ago, my husband and I, both Christians, had a big problem in the area of communication. During that time, I think my youngest child was two, I fell in love with a guy I had known at my work area and made a big mistake. I slept with him and I knew right away that I would get pregnant. I hadn’t had any sexual relationship with my husband during that time. So, I knew that I was pregnant from the other guy. I broke up with the guy the next day and he moved to another state. Then within few weeks, I found out that I was pregnant. Continue reading “My Husband Doesn’t Know”