When I share the truth of God with someone, I don’t share it as if I was telling them about one of my favorite stories I have read in my life. Continue reading The Message
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Our Children Are Designed by God
The Bible says, Continue reading Our Children Are Designed by God
Our Call As Parents
I don’t know if anyone can tell us all parents how to raise kids easily. I mean, is there any easy way to raise a child? No! There is none! Parenting is a tough job! Continue reading Our Call As Parents
Our Children, As Sick As We Are
As a Christian, one thing that always fascinates me the most is the fact that I am a Christian. Continue reading Our Children, As Sick As We Are
To Diaspora Parents
You have no idea how I love Maryland! Yes, I do! Continue reading To Diaspora Parents
Let Us Listen to Our Children
As a mother of three beautiful children, Continue reading Let Us Listen to Our Children
The Two Most Important Things
As a mother of three grown children, I frequently get asked many questions about parenting. Continue reading The Two Most Important Things
Parenting Is Given to Parents
I am a mother of three beautiful children. Continue reading Parenting Is Given to Parents
Advice to Young Parents
This is a big topic to address in one post. So, God’s willing, for the next few weeks, I will focus on advising and encouraging young parents or soon-to-be-parents. Continue reading Advice to Young Parents
Before You Marry A Man With A Child
As far as I know and understand the word of God, it is not a sin for a woman to marry a man with a child/ren. Continue reading Before You Marry A Man With A Child