Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Healthy Childhood But – – –

A4P Guest: I am a born again Christian man. I am 22 years old, a senior in one of Universities in Ethiopia. I lead a Christian fellowship in campus. I’ve been following you, probably, since day one. I grew up in church and I don’t exactly know when I came to Christ. The only thing I am sure of is that I am in Christ, not in the world. I have devoted Christian families. Both my parents serve in the local church. I have one younger sister. I have a healthy childhood as far as I can remember. I am telling you this so you know my background. I heard many people saying, “People who have problems with porn have no healthy background and childhood history.” So, my story is a bit different. My background is good and healthy. Here is my question. I struggle with porn for the last five years. I tried pretty much everything, praying, fasting, crying and confessing my sin to brothers but I’m still in it. I sometimes come to it once a month and sometimes, every day, trying to take over my entire life. I get too obsessed with it 24/7. I love God and want to follow Christ faithfully. I have no desire to be in the world. All my visions and dreams are to live and die for the glory of God but this thing is in my life. Where shall I go? Where is my healing? I don’t want to quit fighting but at the same time, I am tired! Very tired and frustrated. Does God care? Continue reading Healthy Childhood But – – –

After the First Night

When a man wants to marry a girl because he lusts after her body, he can present himself to her as the most romantic man on this planet earth.

And for a girl, there is nothing as attractive as a romantic man. She thinks that he is madly in love with her. But the truth of the matter is he is not really in love with her. Is he ready for a long term commitment such as marriage? Oh, no, he is not. But does he care if he even goes through the wedding process to have her body for a night? No, he doesn’t care. Continue reading After the First Night

The Battle Cry (“ፉከራ”)

Whenever I read the Bible, I sometimes catch myself zooming in on one word or phrase and can’t move forward.
Today, I read 2 Chronicles 13 and the phrase that stopped me in the middle was this: “the battle cry,” on verse 15.
First, I wrestled with the phrase for a few minutes but the only thing I was able to come up with was the literal meaning of the words, battle and cry. But the literal meaning of those words didn’t sync or flow with the context of the chapter.

Continue reading The Battle Cry (“ፉከራ”)

“Shishak” is Sent By God

This morning I read 2 Chronicles 12 and you have no idea how this chapter spoke to my heart.
Look at this verse:
“Then the prophet Shemaiah came to Rehoboam [the King of Judah, he is King Solomon’s son] and to the leaders of Judah who had assembled in Jerusalem for fear of Shishak, and he said to them, “This is what the Lord says, ‘You have abandoned me; therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak.’”” Verse 5
You know, when God takes us as His own, He means serious business. 

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