Category Archives: Sexual Purity

“He Avoids the Topic of Marriage”

A4P Guest: I’m a 36 year-old woman and I’ve been dating a man (38 years old) for a couple years now. We both are born again Christians. This year, I was expecting him to propose to me but he doesn’t even talk about marriage at all. I told him in several occasions how much I desire to get married. But he usually changes the subject and avoids it totally. What do you advise me to do?

A4P: I have few questions for you before I jump into answering your questions. So, what do you mean when you say you are dating a man? How do you define dating? How does dating look like in your relationship? Continue reading “He Avoids the Topic of Marriage”

Clueless Boys!

As many researches have shown these days, young girls, as young as 8 or 9, pursue clueless boys for sex aggressively. 
Why are the boys clueless?
Well, girls hit puberty at a very early age these days for various reasons as some researchers have shown, reasons such as, growth hormones being added to most foods we eat, the sexually saturated environment kids live in and more.

Continue reading Clueless Boys!