Category Archives: Sexual Purity


I have so much respect to these leaders of two main religions of Ethiopia, Orthodox Tewahedo (right – Abun Mathias) and Muslim (Haji Omar Idris).

They show in example how to live in peace with others who have completely different religions than us.

May the young Ethiopians see and learn from both of you! ///

Congratulations To All Ethiopians!

እንኳን ደስ አለን!
Ethiopia launched her first satellite, ETRSS-1!
The satellite is expected “to monitor weather patterns for better agricultural planning, drought early warning and forestry management.”
Talk about heading towards prosperity, this is it!
May God continue blessing Ethiopia! ///

“He Avoids the Topic of Marriage”

A4P Guest: I’m a 36 year-old woman and I’ve been dating a man (38 years old) for a couple years now. We both are born again Christians. This year, I was expecting him to propose to me but he doesn’t even talk about marriage at all. I told him in several occasions how much I desire to get married. But he usually changes the subject and avoids it totally. What do you advise me to do?

A4P: I have few questions for you before I jump into answering your questions. So, what do you mean when you say you are dating a man? How do you define dating? How does dating look like in your relationship? Continue reading “He Avoids the Topic of Marriage”