Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Very Merry Christmas!

From my funny and goofy family to you!
What a day!


This family of mine, let me tell you, I love these beautiful people!

For those of you who don’t know us, the beautiful girl you see sitting in the middle is my only daughter, Lydia Banko (19), then from right to left, my honey bun, the man I am madly in love with, Berhan Banko (my husband), then my little one, Biruk Banko (17), then my older son, Abel Banko (21). Then poor me, Missy Banko.

Don’t miss the special message of my only daughter in the video. ///


I have so much respect to these leaders of two main religions of Ethiopia, Orthodox Tewahedo (right – Abun Mathias) and Muslim (Haji Omar Idris).

They show in example how to live in peace with others who have completely different religions than us.

May the young Ethiopians see and learn from both of you! ///

Congratulations To All Ethiopians!

እንኳን ደስ አለን!
Ethiopia launched her first satellite, ETRSS-1!
The satellite is expected “to monitor weather patterns for better agricultural planning, drought early warning and forestry management.”
Talk about heading towards prosperity, this is it!
May God continue blessing Ethiopia! ///