This is a kind of message that needs to be heard now not only by those who are far from God but also by those of us who profess to know and worship God.
Whenever I think of the Sovereignty of God and how important it is to know the Sovereignty of God for our own sanity, this is the one passage of the Bible that comes to my mind.
Please read it carefully! It is found in Daniel 4:29-37
The devil seems to have a big part in some people’s lives.
Since they see the devil as the sole mover and shaker of this world, the one to be blamed for pretty much every “bad” thing that happens in their lives, they take absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for anything.
At the wake of coronavirus, they ask: Okay. Tell me! So, is coronavirus from God or from the devil?
What we need at this moment in history is many MEN OF GOD!
That is all we need! Men of God who genuinely lead us in prayer with tears of confession and repentance so this coronavirus may awake America up from her spiritual slumber/death. ///
Sometimes, words fall short to comfort one another in times like this.
I constantly think about the people of Italy. I am sure I’m not the only one. When I sit to eat with my family, I remember families in Italy who are losing their loved ones left and right for coronavirus. Continue reading Beacon of Hope→
When government and respected health officials tell us what to do, listening to them and doing what they tell us to do is called wisdom because this is a character of a good citizen. Continue reading Show Yourself To Be An Example→