Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Coming to You Again!

My dear brothers and sisters, I am coming to you again with another God-given opportunity to be a blessing to others.
Whenever I take part in something good, it is not good enough for me until I share it with someone.
So, I am sharing a link with you. This is to help people back in Ethiopia to be well prepared to fight back COVID-19.

Continue reading Coming to You Again!

We Dedicate Our Marriage Anniversary


Today, Friday, March 27, 2020, my husband Berhanmeskel Tenkir Banko and I celebrate our 23rd marriage anniversary.

We praise and thank God for it! Continue reading We Dedicate Our Marriage Anniversary


What we need at this moment in history is many MEN OF GOD!

That is all we need! Men of God who genuinely lead us in prayer with tears of confession and repentance so this coronavirus may awake America up from her spiritual slumber/death. ///


On His Throne

The news gets worse by the hour. Now the air itself seems to whisper terror.

It feels like someone speeding on the highway has completely lost control of the car that is our world.

But when I close my bedroom door behind me and spread my prayer mat and fall on my face before God, everything feels normal again.

The Spirit of God comforts my soul saying, Continue reading On His Throne