Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Good Suggestions?

The Bible says:
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4
When you read this verse, do you feel like the word of God is giving us one of its good suggestions or is the word commanding us to rejoice?
Silly me for asking that kind of question knowing that God never suggests anything to His creatures.

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Pleading for Marriage

The short version of my message in this video is this:
Please, this is not a time to file a divorce! Please!
We all are stressed and nervous. Everything seems dark. Now is the time to pray and ask God to forgive us, not to file for a divorce. ///

A Dark Day for DC

Please guys, let’s pray for those who are fighting for their lives as we speak; pray for the families whose loved ones are in ICU and pray for health care professionals who are risking their lives.

And let’s pray for those who lost their loved ones, especially yesterday and today in our area.

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Singing and Rejoicing

Yesterday, I had to be behind the wheel for almost the entire day. But I didn’t waste any of my time. I listened to wonderful sermons by Charles Spurgeon on the Holy Spirit – who the Holy Spirit is and His role in a Christian life.

If you guys are interested in listening to these sermons, check out the YouTube channel “Christian Sermons and Audio Books”. You can find tons and tons of sermons, most of them preached in the 1800’s. There are no fairy tale or prosperity kind of sermons, I promise! The word of God is plainly preached in the Holy Spirit; that means, your soul sings with the message.

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