Category Archives: Sexual Purity

In A Parallel Fashion

“Grace is a provision for men who are so fallen that they cannot lift the axe of justice, so corrupt that they cannot change their own natures, so averse to God that they cannot turn to Him, so blind that they cannot see Him, so deaf that they cannot hear Him, and so dead that He Himself must open their graves and lift them into resurrection.”
~ G. S. Bishop (as quoted in Pink’s book, “The Attributes of God”)

This for me is nothing but breathtaking! Please read it carefully.

Continue reading In A Parallel Fashion

Our Pleasure is Hidden

I am reading “The Pleasures of God” by John Piper.

I know, I’ve recommended this book on this page at least a dozen times, but I just can’t stop recommending it! It changed my whole understanding of the word of God! And I have read it (well, hearing it through Audible these days) a number of times now. I read it twice and heard it multiple times via Audible. Since someone is reading for me, it is easy for me to listen (the beauty of Audible?). Continue reading Our Pleasure is Hidden