Category Archives: Sexual Purity

The GPS of Our Life

GPS (the Global Positioning System) is a system that tells us where a certain address is located on this earth. We enter the address of our destination and the GPS will show us exactly how to get there. It gives us a step by step direction.

GPS has been around for sometimes now but haven’t you seen people who have GPS on their phone or car but don’t even know where they’re driving to?

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Love This!

A young man’s freedom from porn addiction!
Covenanteyes is a great ministry helping young men and young women to be free from salves of porn.
Praise God! ///

Sexual Desire and Lust

Whenever I mention what Jesus said on Matthew 5:28, “- – – anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” many people ask me, “How can I then decide who to marry without sexually lusting after them?”
This question totally breaks my heart because it tells me that those people who ask this question see lust as a holy and pure sexual desire every one of us naturally have.

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