Sarah Edwards (January 9, 1710 – October 2, 1758) was the wife of the great American theologian of the 18th century, Jonathan Edwards (October 15, 1703 – March 22, 1758). Continue reading All Things!
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
The Husband Is the Head! Period!
The word of God says,
“For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. . . So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; ” Ephesians 5:23, 28NASB Continue reading The Husband Is the Head! Period!
Sexual Desire and Lust
Whenever I mention what Jesus said on Matthew 5:28, “- – – anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” many people ask me, “How can I then decide who to marry without sexually lusting after them?”
This question totally breaks my heart because it tells me that those people who ask this question see lust as a holy and pure sexual desire every one of us naturally have.
Pleading With You In Tears!
No, I won’t get tired of begging you (parents, husbands and wives) not to end your marriage.
Me & My Grandma???
I love my grandma!
The sad part is my mom herself doesn’t know her (my mom’s mom). She died when my mom was only a little girl. So, just like my mom, I didn’t get a chance to know her personally.
Children Without A Father
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers!
I especially would like to say “Happy Father’s Day” to those stay-at-home dads!
Happy Father’s Day
I especially would like to say “Happy Father’s Day” to those stay-at-home dads!
Is It Only Me?
My sleep pattern is upside down! Thanks for the lock-down.
Patiently Waiting Days
There is a parallel relationship between patience and the Sovereignty of God.
Be A Wife to Your Husband
It is very natural for a woman to be a mother to her wedded husband. Her natural instinct itself predisposes her to act like a mother to her husband.