When we seek God, we find the essence of our existence which is seeking and finding the One who created us. Continue reading Seek Him
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Congratulations to us all, ETHIOPIANS and friends of Ethiopia.
What a day! Continue reading Elelelelelelelelelelelele!
Therefore Confess Your Sins
Following Jesus or Live Like – – –
When Jesus, as a shepherd, calls us to Himself, He never calls us so He May stand behind us and push us forward by force or threat. Continue reading Following Jesus or Live Like – – –
Support For Shashamene Victims
Let’s financially support those who have lost their loved ones and all they had in Shashamene, Ethiopia.
Very, very sad stories! One person left from the whole household. All his families, mother, father, sister and brother were beheaded. What was their crime other than working hard to make a living? Continue reading Support For Shashamene Victims
Please Help!
This is one of the things we can do!
Financially help those who have lost their loved ones and their properties.
Please give what you can give. May God bless you!
And please let’s pray for Ethiopia and Ethiopians. ///
Nothing But Tragic!
Man has 100% free will but only to go to hell.
Unless the LORD works in man’s heart to will and act, he/she cannot will to go to heaven.
It is God who calls one into His Kingdom, not the other way round. Continue reading Nothing But Tragic!
A Reminder to Love
This is a season some people get married and others graduate from school. This season is also a season of death since people die at all seasons, including spring and summer.
This past week, some people we know finished their journey on this side of heaven and crossed over to the other side. And it is sometimes tough to try to comfort those who lost their loved ones. I mean, what do you say to them? “Don’t worry, you will join them soon?” Or, “It is okay, we all are going to die anyways?” I think sometimes it is better to just sit next to them quietly. Continue reading A Reminder to Love
Save Women & their Little Kids
It’s now been more than four months since the lockdown started.
As some mental health professions say, many people responded positively during the first two months of the lockdown; people enjoyed staying home and not going to school or work. Continue reading Save Women & their Little Kids
Happy Independence Day!
Ufff! A Day to Celebrate!
Happy Independence Day!
Enjoy it while it lasts! My family and I decided to do just that! ///