Don’t you already fall in love with the title! I’m telling! Continue reading Kingdom Voting
Don’t you already fall in love with the title! I’m telling! Continue reading Kingdom Voting
The Bible calls husbands to live with their wives in a certain way:- Continue reading In An Understanding Way
It definitely is a hard thing to be a young woman in this day and age, but in some ways it is even harder to be a young man.
Unless a young man decides to swim with the current, it is becoming unthinkable to make it through life swimming against the tide and standing in faith.
The other day I received a message from a frustrated young person:-
Of course I will and I cannot wait to cast my vote and to vote to the one I want to see in the Oval Office.
If you’ve been following this page for some time now, you won’t ask me to whom I am going to vote this year because you will know for sure. Continue reading Will I vote this year?
The words we use to explain ourselves or our feelings and situations can make or break our marriages or relationships.
Is this something new? Continue reading Our Words Do Matter
The first, well at least, one of the first Gospel songs I was introduced to after I came to Christ Jesus (or, I will say, after God drew me to Christ Jesus, according to John 6:44) is this:
“I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all” by CeCe Winans
Oh, my! You have no idea how much I love this song.
By watching this!
My beloved husband and I are watching this for the second time.
Join us and watch. ///