Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Move On!

One of the spiritual principles God has been hammering into my heart is this: Don’t get stuck! Move on!

No matter what I’m going through, God, who has so much confidence in His abounding mercy and grace, keeps on saying, “Leave that behind and move on to the next one! Don’t get stuck!”

However, for me to move on, I need to close the previous chapter well because the way I choose to close the previous chapter determines the success of my moving on to the next chapter, otherwise the previous chapter hinders me. Continue reading Move On!

From the Banko’s To You!

Merry Christmas! 
What a wonderful Christmas Day and what a blessing it is to laugh, sing and worship God with this beautiful people! Praise God. I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas too.  
Oops! Forgot to introduce my family to those of you who are meeting them on this page for the first time: My hubby, Berhan T. Banko is the cameraman, and our children are Abel Banko (22), Lydia Banko (20) and Biruk Banko (18) and poor me, Missy. ///

You Become Rich

When the Holy Spirit wants you to focus on a verse or a passage of Scripture, He makes that specific verse/passage appear in everything you read. If you listen to a sermon, there it is! In the middle of the message, the preacher will go to that specific verse/passage.

I am sure this is not my experience only but yours too, I assume.

So, these days, this verse is the one I see/hear everywhere and I tend to think about it a lot:

Continue reading You Become Rich

Live Securely

If you feel like you found the love of your life, a person so beautiful/handsome who understands you more than anybody else, a person you can talk to for hours without realizing that you talked for six hours and you are already thinking about your wedding and your children you are going to have with this person BUT it’s only been two or three weeks since you met this person, STOP!
You are acting CRAZY!

Continue reading Live Securely

Wrapping Up Gifts!

You have no idea how much I enjoy this holiday season. And it is not only Christmas and New Year, but in our house, we have other “holidays” in the month of December. Two of our beautiful kids were born in December!

So December has always been the most exciting month of the year for me. Praise God!

I love wrapping up gifts and putting them under a Christmas Tree. The excitement is already in the air.

Continue reading Wrapping Up Gifts!

Very Important Petition!

Please click the link, read and sign the petition; and share it with other Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia.

I signed the petition! As you know, I won’t come to you before I did my part.

May God bless you! ///