Category Archives: Sexual Purity

A Wife Prays

Thank You, LORD, for giving me another day to come to You in prayer. May Your Name be blessed forever!

I have received many good and perfect gifts from You, LORD.

Above all the gifts, LORD Jesus, You gave me Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for me on the Cross so I might live for You. Jesus, You became sin for me so I might be God’s righteousness. Thank You, Lord Jesus! Continue reading A Wife Prays

His Faithfulness

These days, if you ask me, “What is the source of your comfort,” I’ll right away say “Thinking and meditating on God’s faithfulness.”

The word of God says,

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,” Deuteronomy 7:9 ESV Continue reading His Faithfulness


“The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18

A suitable helper or “a helpmate” in the Hebrew word is Ezer Kenegdo and guess what that translates in to: A LIFESAVER.

No wonder divorced men die quicker than the men who stayed married. Remarriage doesn’t change the life expectancy of a divorced man. The only thing that is best for a man to do is, first, to marry and second, to find a way to live with his complicatedly created wife. Continue reading A LIFESAVER

One Feature of True Love

I love the way Jesus was calling people to follow Him.

He calls them; they will come and follow Him. If they choose not to follow Him, He lets them go because True Love and force or manipulation doesn’t go together.

One day, when Jesus told to all His followers the Truth as it was, He lost most of them (John 6). They just turned around 180 degrees and said “adios” and left. Continue reading One Feature of True Love

Is It A Sin – – –

This is the kind of question I frequently receive from young people: Is it a sin to go to a vacation with my girlfriend? Of course we don’t do sex?

The question itself makes me cringe a bit because it sounds like this: “What kind of sin can God tolerate?” or “Which sin can I do without severing my fellowship with the Holy Spirit?”

Of course kissing is the number one topic most people ask to know “how far is too far”. “Is French kissing a sin?” Or, “Is kissing more than three and half second a sin?” Continue reading Is It A Sin – – –