Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Getting Your PhD on Your Wife

????you have no idea how I enjoyed listening to Focus on the Family daily radio show.
You know, I love to learn about men since I am not a man. And for some reason, I find it entertaining.
So, I want to share with you today what I heard today, the last Monday’s Focus on the Family radio show. Now they started making a YouTube video of the show, which is good.
If you are a husband of one wife, let me tell you something: YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THESE TWO AMAZING BROTHERS, Dr. Greg Smalley and Dr. Michael Smalley.
And if you are a wife of one man, you will enjoy listening to this.
By the way, these two brothers are sons of the late Dr. Gary Thomas Smalley (September 16, 1940 – March 6, 2016), the most amazing and interesting author and speaker on the topic of relationships, mainly marriage.
Can you imagine the joy of their father, looking at them from heaven as they carry on the legacy! I can only imagine!
You know what I like most about Smalley’s? They are funny! Please don’t miss the joke especially the one at the end of the first show (1 of 2, and 2 of 2).
I said, I guess I can say with a humble heart that my husband definitely got his PhD on me?. Find out what I mean by listening to the show. ///



He was not going to church as regular as he used to. He had good fellowship with some Christian friends but he kind of caught up with busy life and became stranger to them and the things of God.
Then little by little, his prayer time turned from one hour to five minutes. He knows that he is a good-looking guy who attracts any woman in his vicinity. At times he blamed his looks for finding himself in bed with a number of women he didn’t even know their names. He swore to God and himself never to have sex with a woman before marriage but he didn’t seem to be able to stick it out.

Continue reading “Fireworks?”

Give US Evidence

A4P Guest: Can you give us evidence why masturbation is wrong? When it’s been said that between 95 and 98 percent of young men are engaged in masturbation and the rest lie about it, don’t we add burden of guilt on men when we say masturbation is a sin?

A4P: Before I say anything, let me say this: “Burden of guilt” – guilt feeling, feeling sorrowful about what we do/did is a God-given emotion; it always leads to repentance when its source is the Holy Spirit. Continue reading Give US Evidence

Others’ Negative Comments

One day our youngest son, I think he was second or third grade, came from school looking very sad. I took a quick look at his face and within a second knew there was something that was bothering him.
When we got home, I called him to my bedroom and asked, “You look very sad. Is there something you want to talk about?” His eyes were actually ready to let it all out.
So, wiping his tears, he said, “So and so said to me, “Your Mama doesn’t look like a mother.”

Continue reading Others’ Negative Comments

A Prophet Told Me

No one can fight against sin unless they are born of God.

“I will stop viewing porn,” is a good decision but the question is, can you put that decision to work? Probably for few days, but not for long.

Many people want to stop watching porn. If tears could have saved a person from porn, many would have been saved from porn addiction because they have cried their eyes out, thinking that God would see their tears and say, “Okay! That is enough! I will take that desire out of you.” Continue reading A Prophet Told Me