Category Archives: Sexual Purity

To All Ethiopians & Friends of Ethiopia

What a privilege to take part in this. I love technology. Just sitting from home, we support our sovereign country, Ethiopia.

So, if you are from Ethiopia or a friend of Ethiopia, sign this petition and share it with others so we make America or the whole world hear our voice.

Thank you!

May God bless Ethiopia and Ethiopians! ///


Fighting Against Porn

It is impossible to fight against porn alone.
You always lose!
You see, darkness loves secrecy, loneliness! And when you invite another person to join you in your fight against porn, it is like saying “Yes” to light to shine on the dark area of your life.
If you are in Christ, you desire to run away from darkness. And when darkness tries to make its abode in your soul, you partner with another believer so the darkness loses its power on you.

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