Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Parenting Our Kids in Faith
The word “faith” is becoming a commodity that anybody is able to sell anytime and any day. People tend to say, “Just believe!” Continue reading Parenting Our Kids in Faith
“We Love So Much That – – -“
A4P Guest: I’m a 36 year-old woman and I’ve been dating a man (38 years old) for a couple years now. We both are born again Christians. This year, I was expecting him to propose to me but he doesn’t even talk about marriage at all. I told him in several occasions how much I desire to get married. But he usually changes the subject and avoids it totally. What do you advise me to do? Continue reading “We Love So Much That – – -“
Someone’s Garden
One thing that captures my attention whenever I see or think of weeds is this: They grow without anybody planting them. The soil will be taken over by weeds if nobody cares for the field.
When weeds grow, they don’t need anyone to take care of them. And when they are left to themselves, they flourish more than any plant, flower or tree that you can think of. And they take over anything that has life in it. Continue reading Someone’s Garden
“I’m A Little Pregnant”
Have you ever heard a woman saying, “I’m a little pregnant?”
Nobody says like that because a woman can only be pregnant or not pregnant. There is no being a “little” or “much” pregnant.
In the same way, there is no “I’m a little in Christ”.
We are in Christ or we are not. Continue reading “I’m A Little Pregnant”
Rejoice in Hope!
The word of God says,
“Be joyful in hope” Romans 12:12a NIV
What does “Rejoice or be joyful in hope” mean?
Hope that today is going to be alright?
Hope that we will receive what desire to have?
Fantastic Long Weekend!
While raising our little kids, some older couples told us, to my husband and I, “This season of life will soon be over and you two will get your own alone time.”
Very, Very Important Call!
To who?
To all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia.
I invite you to take part in the Voter Voice phone campaign.
You don’t have to look for your elected senators’ and representatives’ names and numbers. When you follow the link, it will prompt you to fill a form that takes one or two minutes of your time.
Anger Can Destroy Marriages
Anger is a natural emotion we all have. Since it is a natural reaction, it is one of the ways we know if someone is emotionally healthy as they react in anger for situations that can drive anybody nuts. Continue reading Anger Can Destroy Marriages