I couldn’t rest without sharing my joy with you, my lovely followers! Continue reading Abel & Honora Banko’s Wedding!
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Change the Driver
Wearing new clothes, having a new haircut, changing a church or job, meeting new people, moving to a new city whatnot won’t really make us better Christians.
Until we decide to change our thinking patterns to make them according to the word of God, we continue to act, do, feel and experience the same thing again and again. Continue reading Change the Driver
A Branch that Bears Fruit
You have no idea how much I love reading and studying the Parables of Jesus. Here is one of my favorite parables: Continue reading A Branch that Bears Fruit
Eyes Never Get Full
Predictor Of What?
The health of a marriage depends on how a couple solves their marital conflicts. In reality, every married couple deals with conflicts here and there and the presence of a conflict doesn’t indicate that the marriage is an unhealthy one or divorce is looming on the horizon. Continue reading Predictor Of What?
To All Ethiopians!
Read, sign and share!
Thank you and may God bless you! ///
No Man Knows
A4P Guest: I’m married and have a one-year old son. I used to consider myself blessed to have the most peaceful marriage ever until my husband’s mother came from Ethiopia a year ago to help us with our first child. Continue reading
Touch Your Wife’s Heart
Don’t you sometimes, secretly, wish if the Book of Ephesians chapter 5 goes up to verse 34 and says something like: “Husbands, when your wives come to you with a problem, don’t try to SOLVE their problem unless they specifically ask for it. Just LISTEN to their heart.” (I know the Bible is complete; I’m just saying) Continue reading Touch Your Wife’s Heart