Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Extinguish All The Flaming Arrows
This is what I am saying in this video: Continue reading Extinguish All The Flaming Arrows
Happy Ethiopian New Year And – – –
Happy Birthday to me!
Yeap! Tomorrow is my birthday too! Continue reading Happy Ethiopian New Year And – – –
Matchless Hope!
It was just last year, September 09, 2020, my beloved sister, Zenashbezu Tadesse Kifetew departed from this life and to be with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Continue reading Matchless Hope!
World Changers
Happy Labor Day!
Happy Labor Day to all of you!
If you don’t celebrate Labor Day, happy Monday to you! Continue reading Happy Labor Day!
I Want To Get Married But – – –
A4P Guest: I am a 28-year old virgin woman and I serve in my church, mainly in mentoring and couching the youth. Continue reading I Want To Get Married But – – –
We Need Counseling
A4P Guest: Is sexual immorality the only biblical ground for divorce?
A4P: Before I answer your question, let me ask you this: Why are you asking me that question? Is it because you want to get biblical knowledge or is there a personal reason and if so, what is that reason?
A4P Guest: Well, I’m married and have two little ones. My husband and I are not getting along. Argument is something that marks our marriage. We cannot hold a conversation for more than a minute without arguing and fighting. Continue reading We Need Counseling
A Woman Of Every Man’s Dream
A Healthy Marriage
- You both try your best every day to spend a certain amount of time, from five minutes to half an hour a day (or more, depending on where you live and what you do in life), to talk, not about issues that need to be solved but to talk about life in general, like, “How was your day today” kind of talk;