But before I say anything, let me say this: All marriages are beautiful as long as they are under a covenant and a promise made between one man and one woman before witnesses, man and God. Continue reading What Kills Beautiful Marriages?→
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A4P Guest: I’ve one quick question. Is it the will of God for me to stay in my marriage if my husband is abusing me?
A4P: Hmm! Tell me more.
A4P Guest: My husband is treating me like dirt. If, for example, I say to my son (we have one four year old son) “Stop your video game now and you can play with your toys,” he will say, “Shut up! What do you know about raising kids?”
In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5, we find very intriguing definition of sexual purity Jesus made:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’;but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:27-28 NASB.
The ball of purity drops and touches the ground when one’s heart being enticed by the thought of having sex with someone they are not married to. So, purity or immorality is not all about a physical action but a condition of one’s heart.
One of my favorite theologians once said, “God has a real sense of humor,” and he chuckled.
I was not happy with that. I mean, God, having a sense of humor? It sounded to me as if he made God equal to himself, a mere human being. I was a bit upset with him but since I love his books and most of his messages, I quickly forgave him and moved to his next points.
How many ministers, Gospel singers, pastors, choir and sole singers and in general Christians, followers of Jesus Christ have to go through divorce before a single Christian person, who is preparing to get married, stops and asks:
“What went wrong with the marriages of these people? What can I learn from their mistakes? I have to know their reasons because “I am no better than my ancestors, I may end up doing the same thing.” Continue reading A Marriageable Person→
Are you desperate to get married? Does the thought of getting married consume you? Do you find yourself browsing through social media to see if someone is interested in you?
Well, most nutritionists advise us not to go to grocery shopping while hungry. Do you know why? Well, if we are hungry, we buy anything regardless of the fat content and the calorie count of the food and we end up destroying our health and excellent body figure.