Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Wanna Look Attractive to My Hubby

A4P Guest: “I was not overweight before I got married. After I had my two kids, I gained more than 20 pounds and I am still struggling to lose but nothing seems to work. My major problem though is my embarrassment before my husband. I feel like he doesn’t like me anymore because of the extra pounds I put on especially around my belly. I feel so unattractive. I feel exposed whenever I think of sexual intimacy. My husband repeatedly told me that he doesn’t care. Does weight gain affect sexual intimacy? What do I need to do to feel good about myself and enjoy my intimate moments with my husband as I used to?” Continue reading Wanna Look Attractive to My Hubby

His Entire Life

A4P Guest: I am seeing this man I know from my church. He recently asked me for a relationship. I told him that I needed time to think before I give him a yes or no answer. Then we started hanging out just for a cup of tea because I thought that would help me to know him better. People from my church (my spiritual fathers) encouraged me to accept his request. I think, he’s a good man and he always tries to take care of me. I haven’t seen any red flags so far A4P: “My spiritual fathers?” Are these men the ones you are asking advice from?

A4P Guest: Yes. Why? Continue reading His Entire Life

Different Quotes Together

When I get tired of reading books, I sit and read quotes I collected as I read books. In the past, I used to post them individually but I think it will be beneficial to you if I post the quotes I read today together. (If you want me to post them individually, let me know.)

“We are pretty much who we are going to be by age six or seven. Beyond that we are always who we are, and that won’t change. . . Behaviors and habits can change if a person has enough support to keep the changes in place, from the inside of the heart outward.” Stephen Arterburn, author of “Every Man’s Battle” Continue reading Different Quotes Together